A word/phrase used whenever someone would like to sit on your/someone’s face in a sexual manner.
Wow,that lady has a very “sit-able chin”!!
A Chin mill is a word used to describe a place where alcohol is served, like a pub, it is quoted in the film "Battle cry" (1955)
"Hey Sarge, where's the nearest chin mill?"
1. The act of titi-fucking a girl so hard that the head of your dick pokes her in the chin, making her head bounce up and down.
2. Another name for titi-fucking.
EXample 1:
J: "Guess what!?"
C: "What?"
J: "I was poking chin with your sister last night!"
C: " Fuck You.."
Example 2:
J: *from across the room* " DUDE I WANNA POKE YOUR SISTERS CHIN!!!"
S: " Go ahead! Good for you!"
S and J : "hahhahaha"
J: *slaps C in the face
A person who takes shots to the chin with testicles. Usually a man who would like to exert controller over another hence the bouncer analogy.
Look at that motherfucking chin bouncer forcing johnny to bang his face again.
Sparing Chin or asking to Spare Some Chin is the act of two Bros touching chin to chin as a way to form a stronger bro bond. If the act is done correctly it should resemble a kiss. But No Homo.
Damn bro good catch, Spare some chin?
Sparing Chin or asking to Spare Some Chin is the act of two Bros touching chin to chin as a way to form a stronger bro bond. If the act is done correctly it should resemble a kiss. But No Homo.
Damn bro good catch, Spare some chin?
A chin that is astute, profound, otherworldly, and depicts the depth and breadth of a true person of extraordinary esque traits and wondrous insight, creativity, kindness, selflessness, and most of all, moral. Highly rare and legendary trait that is only found in purely golden elemental Muffins Muggins
Oh dear, look hereth at that muffin’s astute chin