(If you speak German you will or should know what this is already!)
Kannst du Deutsch dann hättest du wohl schon gewußt worum es hier geht, dir kőnnte ich keinen großeren Hinweis als dieser Satz bieten! ;) Verstehst du nun?!
A spider! A spinny thing is a spider!
(Eine Spinne!!! Ein spinnendes Ding! Ein spinnendes Spinneding!)
Makes sense dunnit? Its that horrific looking 8 legged arachnid thingie that spins webs and makes you scream when it crawls up your leg!
In German its 'die Spinne' pronunciation is (more or less) 'd spinny'.
1. I really hate those spinny things! Crush them any time I see a Spinny Thing!
2. The French calls their peanuts "l'arachide" look awfully like "l'arachnids" dunnit, an intentional pun (peanuts do taste and smell like spinny things except the spinny things are million times worse) :p
3. Spin goes the spinny thing spinny spin spin <stomp> the spinny' thing spins no more! Huge spinny thing that was!
4. The Germans called it a 'Spinne' from the beginning because that is what it is! It's only logical to call a Spinny Thing a 'Spinne' but if its up to me I would call it 'die Spinnendesache' or 'das Spinnendeding' ie 'the Spinny Thing' to make it complete!
Hym "Women and females are not the same thing to you, bitch! You don't even actively remember you hippy liberal nonsense you fucking transphobe!"
Max thing is a thing no one else would do except maxgo123
Max: Imma add Kash time to urban dictionary
Kash: Seems like a Max thing to do
Nervo: Yep, its not really surprising if he does
Something you call your girlfriend, a cute nickname ;)
You're my bimbly thing.
Ah there's my bimbly thing.
When your wife invites her friends over and you land yourself an unexpected fiveway
The girls are coming around tonight
Thats OK, I'll just do truck things.
Sexy lingerie for women (or a fella) to wear for that special someone
Can you come over this weekend? Yes? Wear the red thing