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turkey whacker

A turkey whacker is more expressive term of endearment for a dumbass or tool. Please note, that a turkey whacker (though similar in name) is not the same as a turkey slap.

"Andy, your suck a turkey whacker man." Yeah man your a complete dumbass.

by Pokeweed September 25, 2006

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turkey glibber

A person who steals food off your plate when you aren't looking.

I could have sworn I had four tater tots before I turned around. You are such a turkey glibber!

by FireLily April 28, 2004

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turkey gravy

a soupy shit resembling thanksgiving turkey gravy.

after 62 burritos, ziggy had a bad case of turkey gravy.

by pappapittmudman February 4, 2004

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turkey bitch

70s inspired phrase that is equvilient to calling someone a bitch, but by adding "turkey" it adds more of a playful/seasonal quality. Should be used jokingly. Is not intended for genuine insults.

Abby: Kate, god, you're such a turkey bitch!
Kate: That's right, cock-splap! (see, COCK-SPLAP)

by wootwoot41 December 20, 2006

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Turkey (high five)

A physical gesture. When one person goes for a high-five and the other gives them one with a bald up fist (making the combined hands look like a turkey) and says "Turkey!"

Hey, I tried to give Nick a high-five and he gave me a Turkey (high five).

by drucker789 April 12, 2009

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turkey dinner

having sex in a place usually reserved for fancy guests and parties.

wellington wordsworth: my, what a magnificent meal.

lady blackwell: Thank you. Why, just the other day, i had my own turkey dinner on this very table.

by noodlenightmare November 3, 2010

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turkey blisters

Booze, alcoholic beverages

Hey man, I'm thirsty for some turkey blisters!

by Anonymiss March 17, 2006

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