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Jew fro

The hair that every guy wants.
The koolest "fro" ever.
Simply a white/caucasian (jew) that has curly hair that may have a bit too much volume to be only "curly hair," so it's called a jew fro. Why jew fro? because many jews have them!

Hey man, i was looking at your baby pictures, and noticed how much your jew fro progressed overtime."

Yo yo yo jew dawg. I'm diggin that jew fro you got fo shizzle to the fricki fricki izzle!

by jewgirl18 March 27, 2009

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apple jew

A person who loves the fruits life gives them, no matter how rotten or perfect.

A person who loves apple sauce Jews.

Fred, you're such an apple Jew.

Apple Jew? How fruity.

by Carlton Sinner February 18, 2019

Bacon Jew

One who professes faith in Judaism, yet is hypocritical and does not follow Jewish doctrine; a hypocrite of any stripe. Usually a person who is very vocal about their supposed strict adherence to one doctrine or principal but does not obey that standard. The louder the bark, the weaker their bite....a phony. All hat and no cattle.

He is such a Bacon Jew, I saw him at Sal's last night eating bacon-wrapped shrimp. I can't believe a word he says.

by Gojai August 30, 2017

jew buckle

A penny pinching flobert

That man is such a Jew buckle

by Complexly unlucky January 1, 2014

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jew fact

Jews have been through so much that because of that they have no reason to lie. So a jew fact is something that is true beyond any disbelief.

Sue: "Are polar bears extinct?"
Jose: "No."
Sue: "Are you sure?"
Jose: "Yes, polar bears are still alive."
Sue: "Is that a jew fact?"

by iamcrazyful August 28, 2017

Jew coat

Thick body hair (specific to a male) that encompasses the full length of the arms, chest, back, and neck, in such a way that it looks as if the male is wearing a coat.

Ari wore a t-shirt to the pool party because he's got quite a Jew coat.

by Matzo Goldstein March 25, 2013

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Jew Fried

When someone's brain is soo diluted with Jewish lies that they can't see past them or look to the truth. It's normally best not to talk to these people because you won't gain knowledge from them and you'll only go in circles while debating.

Don't worry about Billy over there.. His brain is just too Jew Fried.. There's nothing you can say that will get to him..

by NCR Ranger February 28, 2021