Source Code


what Aslan stole from Debba Kes and gave to random bloke ont Clapham omnibus

here you go strange man, I have stolen the mojo from Debba Kes and offer it to you on a plate with bells on

by lezza kes June 15, 2004

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Mojo Risin'

An anagram for Jim Morrison; also an alias for his reincarnations whose names are Ana and John.

Mojo Risin' lives in Florida and Portugal now.

by Modge May 4, 2004

24πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

Pose Mojo

a term used to describe the re-emergence of one's inner poser and the sudden urge to take multiple photos of one's self, in as many poses as humanly possible, as a reaction to this.

"I just got my Pose Mojo back after a bit of a photographic dryspell"

by Meganymoo December 23, 2009

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

blue's mojo

A sex act whereby you prolong ejaculation for as long as possible. Then, when you can hold it no more, you ejaculate on your partner's stomach and draw, with the copious amounts of semen, a mojo jojo, the villain from the Powerpuff Girls.

Him1: So my gf and I haven't had sex in a week.
Him2: That sucks, how about you give her a blue's Mojo
Him1: Yeah, I have enough supply to.

by rLame June 2, 2010

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A type of cooked chicken, similar to rotisserie chicken.

Go to the store and pick up some mojo chicken.

by Anonymous June 30, 2003

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mojo drug

Mojo drug - A drug that causes you to act out, such as twitching, jerking, etc.

Oh lawd, he’s on that mojo drug !!!

by Billy bob forte March 26, 2020

9πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Mojo Moment

When someone you know behaves like an AI or someone β€œliving under a rock”. (The first β€œMojo Moment” was made in 2021 by a guy on Twitter named Mojo in a legendary Twitter group chat.)

A: I heard that the new Call of Duty game is gonna be trash.
B: What’s β€œCall of Duty”?
A: Mojo Moment.

by fuckingscoozy November 17, 2021

13πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž