One who uses their anal passage to hide another man’s erect penis inside of.
John Travolta is greatly admired by the ladies for his good looks and interesting roles, but his real passion is being with men and playing the role of a baloney smuggler.
Is derogatory term used towards Jewish people
Get that baloney fucker out of here!
Johnny Depp was spewing baloney in the bull pen when he claimed that Amber Heard didn't know what she was talking about when she said that he harassed her.
Usually a quiet burp blown accurately to someones nose with the intention of making sure the recipient smells it .
Man, did you just baloney burp on me? That is rotten dude!!
Formal Spanish for a penis or labia hidden beneath underwear.
Juan has chonie baloney that makes the chicas loca.
To put it simply..... Engaging in sexual intercourse.
I performed the ol' Baloney Bop with Emily last night. It felt so damn good
Another name for Caucasians.
Man these baloney lips need to leave us alone.