Source Code

lashing it up

- Going out on the piss
- Getting drunk, etc

James: What you been up to tonight Ads?
Adam: Man, I raelly ben lashing it up tONight

by Adam0r April 23, 2006

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thigh lashes

It's that thing when a chick does not shave her snatch and the pubes protrude from the side of underwear or a bikini and look like eye lashes, except they are thigh lashes.

Damn dude that chick at the beach had such a furry snatch that you could see her thigh lashes! Disgusting!

by Smashingtaco November 3, 2013

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A neck or nasal injury sustained from excessive use of cocaine.

Person 1 "Dude, my neck is killing me...it feels like whiplash"

Person 2 "It's probably from the excessive momentum you used last night/this morning when ripping that coke"

Person 1 "Sounds like a case of rip-lash"

by C Montana August 11, 2010

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Lash Blast

When a person of the male gender ejaculates in a females eye.

Girl 1: I got a really bad eye infection.
Girl 2: Is it because he lash blasted you?

by poopz mcgee eatin terdz August 19, 2009

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gash on a lash

1) A mistress or a "bit on the side".

2) Someone willng to accept a booty call.

Boris: Who's that then Scotsman?

Scotsman: She's my gash on a lash.

Boris: That's disguating Scotsman.

by scotsman_too_hotsman March 7, 2009

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Ass Lashes

The hairs in and/or around your ass

Dude, my ass lashes have tons of dingleberries caught in them. It took me forever to pull them out.

by naot2345 June 21, 2010

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Tongue Lashed

Much like pussy whipped, where the man does whatever the girl asks just because he's gettin some, only this version hes only gettin kisses.

Much like Zach.

<zach> aww man shes so hott! i do anything for her. damn, shes got me pussy whipped.

<jordan> naw dude, you gotta GET the pussy to BE pussy whipped! your more like, Tongue Lashed.

Zach pwn't

by K!ds !n EmEr!cA! August 24, 2008

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