a religion made up out of thin air by a guy named joseph smith. he prolly though he was gonna go to hell because he got shitfaced or something so he decided to fuck up the world as much as possible, which is why christians should have made more layers of hell when they made up their religion. that or he was always high and or hallucinated. so basically he claimed to get a bunch of visits from jesus and god. which anyone with an iq above 60 could tell he didnt. so he then translated these plates he got from the ground and magically read them behind a curtain and wouldnt allow anyone to see them. so he created a church which got a shitload of fallowers. so then some sane person shot him in the face in a desperate attempt to stop the attack of the shitfaced retards.Β they then moved to utah and massacured a lot of people who went there. then they created one of the most epic fantasy novels ever, the book of mormons. then they hijacked the boyscouts and kicked out all gays women athiests wiccans, people who believe in multiple gods and jews that they could find. they also buy the sidewalks in front of their church and routinely beat up gays on them for "tresspassing"
hence the story of the mormans
hey look 2 gays on our mormon sidewalk we didnt tell the public we own lets go beat them up for "tresspassing"
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Although they are technically considered as "Christians" for following the beliefs and teachings of Christ, they are indeed not true Christians, for they have very radical beliefs and teachings compared to those of Christianity. They claim to believe in the Bible but say it can only be trusted if it is "translated" or "interpreted" correctly (very high emphasis added) which therefore indicates that they don't truly believe in it. They believe the Book of Mormon holds more authority than the Bible, although the Bible says that it's the FINAL word of God and is not to be taken away from or added to. Also many of their practices are not even found in the Book of Mormon, most of them are from other doctrines and "revelations" that their mormon prophets claimed to have.
Mormonism teaches that God has not always been God, but through obeying laws and ordinances of the Gospel he was able to progress to deity. Therefore, the god of Mormonism is a changing being. He was once a man, who then became a god. His knowledge, wisdom and power have therefore increased. Mormons believe that all faithful Mormons will progress to become deities (or God's) of their own universes and produce spirit children with their spouse in order to populate their world.
The bible reveals a very distinctive God. The true God does not change (Malachi 3:6) nor does he grow in knowledge (Isaiah 40:13). God is spirit, not an exalted man with flesh and bone (John 4:24; Luke 24:39; Hosea 11:9; Numbers 23:19).
Despite the teachings of Mormonism, men cannot become god's (Isaiah 43:10). Man was created, unlike God, and therefore has not existed from eternity (1 Corinthians 15:46). Mormons cannot compare themselves to Jesus and his preexistence, for they are not deity by nature, as is Jesus who preexisted because he IS God.
*Who should trust in god's who change?
Why trust in a mere man who has become a god? Are you not still trusting in a man?
Mormons believe that there is archaeological evidence supporting the Book of Mormon, when there is in fact NONE whatsoever. No cities unique to the BoM have ever been located, and also the BoM contains no maps which indicate the alleged cities had ever been located.
*If the BoM is a record of REAL history (like the Bible), why hasn't the mormon church published any maps?
This question will often be side-stepped by Mormons. In Moroni (10:4-5) we are instructed to pray about the BoM to find out if its true. Generally the answer expected by Mormon's is a "burning in the bosom" which is a heart-felt emotional experience.
Although we are expected to pray, nowhere does the Bible teach that prayer is a test for truth. We cannot trust the feelings of our hearts (Proverbs 14:12; 28:26; Jeremiah 17:9) nor can we trust every spiritual witness (1 John 4:1-6).
*The witness of the Holy Ghost will NEVER contradict the word he inspired the Bible (2 Peter 1:21). The mormon prophet Joseph Smith and many other mormon prophets have contradicted the Bible numerous times, not too mention they have also contradicted their own BoM!
*In Deuteronomy 18:20-21 we are told that a prophet of God will never have false prophecies and will never teach false god's. It is already apparent that Joseph Smith has taught of false god's, and has also proclaimed several false prophecies. In Doctrine and Covenants sec. 84 Joseph Smith prophesied that the city of New Jerusalem would be erected within HIS generation "in the Western boundaries of the State of Missouri." To this day, the Mormon Church has failed to erect it. This is clearly a false prophecy, therefore, making Joseph Smith a false prophet.
Mormons often refer to 1 Corinthians 15:40-41 as proof that there are different levels of heaven: "There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differeth from another star in glory." But these verses teaching nothing of the Mormon concept of the three degrees of glory. As a matter of fact, the word "telestial" does not occur anywhere in the Bible.
Although most Mormon's are very nice and have good values, they are very misled. Not to mention they are overly concerned with converting (more members= more tithing = more money for the Mormon Church).
The Mormon Church is indeed a false church, and Joseph Smith is indeed a false prophet.
Joseph Smith: I don't understand parts of the Bible (because I only have a third grade education), so I will change those parts to what I THINK and WANT them to mean! If I ever change my mind or am proved to be a liar, I can just have a revelation which will allow me to change it! My followers and I will call it "Mormonism" or "mormon" for short. Together we will deceive the world and lead millions away from the truth!
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1)A bunch of fucked up, super religious dumb shits who believe in fucking their cousins and having multiple wives.
2) The guys who mow my lawn for free.
3) People who will force a bible down your throat if you don't listen to them when they come to your door every frickin' day. x.x
Guy 1: Dude. I banged my cousin last night
Guy 2: MORMON!!11111223211////!
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A stuipid religon.
Where all the people worship god.
Hate people who arent mormans.
No caffine.
No tattos.
No piercings.
No gf or bf untill 16.
Go on gay missions.
Have to wear a tux/dress to church.
Kids Cant go anywhere with out permmision.
Family Orentated.
Doesnt support gays.
Use Non cuss words ex. Heck, Fudge, Gosh
Goes on Stuipid missions to preach about god.
Losers in School.
Straight A students.
Hang out with other momons.
Has A billion churches and wards.
98% live in utah.
Mormon Kid A. ''hey, Lets go to the skate Park'
Mormon Kid B. " Yeah maybe we can hang out with the cool skaters."
Mormon Parent A "Heck No, Go to church and worship god!"
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slang for people who are part of the Mormon church. Their church is actually called The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
Common misconceptions include:
-they cannot eat chocolate (false. wtf?)
-Mormons are not Christian
(VERY false)
-Mormons are polygamists/support polygamy (FALSE AF)
- they are required to have 12 children (lmao false)
-birth control is prohibited (false)
-they hate gay people (F A L S E)
-they believe gay people automatically go to hell (FALSE)
-Mormons worship Joseph Smith (FALSE)
-all Mormons live in Utah (false)
-Mormons hate the Bible (f.a.l.s.e. High schoolers literally take a year long class on it. Mormons believe the Bible.)
-Mormons cannot have caffeine (false. Mormons are against addictive substances, so some stay away from caffeine as a personal rule. Lots of Mormons love their Dr Pepper)
It's true Mormons don't believe in The Trinity--they believe God, Jesus Christ, and Holy Ghost are three separate beings.
Also true: Mormons don't drink alcohol (aka kno how to have the time of their life without a substance) or coffee or tea, get tattoos, or zillions of piercings (basically, super into respect for their bodies)
Stereotypical Mormons are hot rich superfriendly blondes. Tragically, very small % of Mormons fulfill this stereotype (but not none ;)))
Mormons try their best to be good people
NOTE: the musical the Book of Mormon is 1 hilarious 2 shockingly disrespectful 3 not an accurate portrayal of Mormon faith/people
nonmormon: "MORMONS ARENT CHRISTIAN!!1!!!!1!"
Mormon 1: *exhausted sigh*
Mormon 2: "lmao. The words 'Jesus Christ' are in the title of our Church. Jesus Christ is the basis of everything we believe."
"You don't drink? What are you, Mormon?"
*friendly smile/shrug* "yeah I am lol"
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A strong, offensive term for a boy scout who attempts to get the Eagle Scout rank at or before age fifteen. In other words, the pre-med of scouting.
While a good mormon (usually an actual LDS member) will achieve his goal through hard work and determination, most mormons get to Eagle early by hacking through the scouting system.
A typical mormon gets to Eagle Scout in the sleaziest way possible, superficially demonstrating knowledge while not actually retaining it and completing his requirements and Eagle Project the easy way. They leave scouts without any of the skills and virtues that their peers have.
The term "mormon" comes from the fact that almost every mormon (religion) is a mormon (scout jargon). The Church of Later Day Saints and the Boy Scouts of America have a synergetic partnership of sorts, where a mormon boy's religious advancement can closely mirror his scout advancement. Unfortunately, this creates a high standard for Eagle Scout ages, so other scouts (some of them LDS members) try to match them.
Your once-in-a-lifetime Eagle Project is painting a sign? You mormon.
"Wanna go tip Austin's canoe with me?"
"No, I need to go get stuff signed off."
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The majority of a well-dressed colony of people that have chosen to live underground because no one likes them and/or likes to read their boring pamphlets. Go Away Already! Stay beneath the manholes you belong under.
Mormon: Hey little boy, want to lear about Hell?
Little Boy: Umm....
Little Boy's Dad: Stay away from my son you river rat!!!
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