Source Code

T Time

T-shirt Time
noun: a time where you ditch your shirt before the shirt to put on your shirt.

To put on your sexiest shirt for the night to go out.

Jake: Yo dude that GTL was sick today man, you ready to go out?
Alex: yeah, man its T Time
(Jake and Alex proceed to put on their respective shirts)
Jake: lets hit the floor broski

by Sbixen1 February 14, 2011

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1. site in North Potomac NoPo in Montgomery County MoCo, MD frequented by those who believe themselves to be cool
3. home of the 7-eleven sleven

"Hey, wanna go to t-square and blast some fiddy, because I relate to his impoverished background?"

by PSUer November 18, 2003

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when one man places his balls on another persons face when they are sleeping/passed out.

Jimmy put his balls on Carters face when he was asleep

by Carter April 13, 2004

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In a stream by FlareTV, there was a donation referring to Durv's (fetus youtuber) stream of him supporting Pewds. This donation said, "Say T-gay in chat if Durv sucks." This has started a trend in Pewdiepie vs. T-Series live streams on YouTube.

"Look! This person said T-gay! Guess Ill do it too!" - Pewdiepie Fan

by Autistic Painkiller December 9, 2018

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A temporary modular building, sometimes used at schools to alleviate overcrowding.
These buildings are called T-Shacks due to their usually decrepit physical condition.
Normally identified by the designation T-1, T-2, etc.

Person 1 "I have three classes out in the T-Shacks this year."
Person 2 "That sucks."

by CaptWags August 14, 2006

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T, A, and Vajay

Tits, Ass, and Vagina

Lets go to the strip club and see some T, A, and Vajay

by Squeech November 14, 2007

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Slippery T

When You Lick Your Fingertips Then Touch Her Nipples, Sending A Cold Shiver.

If You Don't Stop Playing, I'll Have To Give You The Slippery T!

by Little T Big P May 9, 2019

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