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tit text

The small amount of texting a new mom will engage in with her friends and/or family after having the baby..... While she is awake breastfeeding her child she may text you, then as soon as her child is fed, taken care of and put back to sleep...... you will assume she also has gotten milk drunk and bedded back down herself.

My best friend of 18 years had a baby and I'm lucky if I hear from her once a week.... even if I do, I can bet it is a tit text.

by ChiefBomb March 23, 2015

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Unprotected Text

If you disable autocorrect and still send messages then you're engaging in unprotected text. Next time use protextion.

I just got this error ridden message from this girl. She must be engaging in unprotected text.

by bookkake July 27, 2016

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To text a bunch of people before you go out somewhere, so when you get there you'll get a bunch of replies. The goal of this is to appear popular and busy by getting a bunch of "spontaneous" texts when you are out with someone, at school, or anywhere.

Person A: "Wow that girl is popular!"

Person B: "Nah, Didn't ya notice all those texts were within 5 seconds of each other? Definitely a backfired case of pre-text!"

by Trampabay December 17, 2009

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wet texting

When people start flooding you with texts and/or text emojis even when you don't respond

Instead of blowing my phone this guy/girl is wet texting the fuck out of my phone

by Wet texting December 11, 2016

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text massage

When someone texts you (especially someone hot) when your phone is on vibrate. The vibrations give you a "massage".

I got a text massage from Cindy. It felt amazing.

by saltyconfetti August 8, 2011

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When someone sends you a long, more than 2 page, text message telling you a story. Could easily be told by calling the listener, but is rather told by sending a long text message.

Erin sent me a text-book about how she hooked up with some guy. It took longer to receive the message than it did to read it.

by NotoriousCCM February 24, 2010

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hug and text

When someone is consoling another through the act of a hug while being on their phone texting someone else without the consoled individual having a clue.

Jordan pulled the most epic hug and text last night. He consoled Adriana while texting Brianna.

by clubaholic April 3, 2011

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