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Throwing Thumbs

To like posts, pics, shares,...etc in an excessive manner. A person who spends way too much time on Facebook liking everything, to the point of ridiculousness.

Everytime I turn around, Donna is throwing thumbs on Facebook. She needs to chill out.

by demoniablo July 12, 2015

Throwing Thumbs

To like posts, pics, shares,...etc in an excessive manner. A person who spends way too much time on Facebook liking everything, to the point of ridiculousness.

Everytime I turn around, Donna is throwing thumbs on Facebook. She needs to chill out.

by demoniablo July 12, 2015

slow thumb

A condition that occurs after doing manual labor in which your thumb doesn't react as fast as normal.

I shoveled all day yesterday and today I woke up with slow thumb.

by SaintAnkey October 22, 2014

thumb dip

A hand gesture used while reasoning out very complicated topics, especially when studying Talmud. The speaker does a kind of diagonal thumbs-down and then dips and turns their thumb in a half-circle so that they finish with the thumb pointing up.

Is the nighttime prayer optional or mandatory? If (*thumb dip*) the basis of the daily prayers is from our three forefathers, then the nighttime prayer has the same importance as all the others, and so it's mandatory. But if (*thumb dip*) the basis of the daily prayers is the offerings from the Temple, and we know (*thumb dip*) that no offerings were brought at night, so the nighttime prayer must be optional.

by grepx March 16, 2021

Power thumb

The thumb that you stick in your girls ass while banging her from behind

I was plowing my girl doggie last night and had to use a power thumb to regain control.

by Necrohymen May 29, 2021

Cum Thumbing


1. To merge two magazine pages together as one by means of bodily fluids.

"The fact that pages 136 & 137 were stuck together in the Hustler magazine at the sperm bank was an obvious indication that someone had been there cum thumbing it previously."

by billebllunt December 31, 2014

Thumb Bump

A Thumb Bump is a fist bump with a thumbs up to finish it off. Originated on classic TV show Thunder in Paradise. Randolph "Hurricane" Spencer and Martin "Bru-dog" Brubaker would do a Thump Bump to celebrate a job well done.

After rescuing the hostages Bru-Dog and Hurricane celebrate with a heartfelt Thumb Bump.

by HurricaneSpencer August 12, 2022