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Ethan Beach

The sexiest man to ever live, and walk on this earth. He has perfect abs, and a huge ass dick. He sweeter than a starbucks frappucino, and more charming than prince charming himself. He's fantastic at sex, and he bangs you so hard you can't breathe.

Holy shit, I wish Ethan Beach would just fuck me so hard that I can't breathe.

by fattymclardass96 August 4, 2019

fort meyers beach

A place for pretentious geriatrics, rednecks and dildos from every state but mostly the northeast and ohio. Completely unbearable between May and November. At night, you can count on bumfights, guidofights and retards howling drunk. The hotels and beach bars contantly play the same old worn out covers over and over again. Not a good place to meet singles. More than half of everyone there is'nt single. Not a weed friendly place either because A; its in florida and B; they make more than enough on alcohol.

going to Fort Meyers Beach, shoot me.

by Donn1980 November 12, 2017

Myrtle beach hitch hiker

Guy with mustache going down on girl and puts thumb up her butt

Austin shaved his beard into a mustache to give her the ole myrtle beach hitch hiker

by Steak and cake February 15, 2023

Sagamore Beach

A village near the end of the canal home to the most concentrated areas of Crack Addicts (Weldon Park).

Dude, let's go to my hookup in Sagamore Beach he sells cheap!

by captainclusterfunk April 9, 2011

Newport Beach

A city full of gang members and sand smearing surfer kids who give each other blowjobs while their blonde soccer moms bleach their hair and the Latina moms in flip flops beat up random kids that they are nannying for not knowing spanish. Occasionally somebody'll drown and they'll all have a beach party smoke out and get the whole trash city high on marijuana and yell as loud as they can as it is totally super quirky and funny haha. Then the boys'll spend their food stamps on Supreme and Gucci and the girls will get gangbanged on the school bleachers by their fifteen boyfriends while all of the lesbian girls finger each other, all of whom will be wearing 10 layers because it is finally below 85 degrees and question each other literally everything because their brains cannot function past surfboards and weed.

Newport Beach is a terrible place.

by Savannah Leoni November 24, 2019

Beach Money

Getting paid a large lump sum, while doing minimal work. May possible die trying to achieve it.

“This Beach Money. We rich.” *gunshot* -Ronnie Mathis

by Ubitiqous February 12, 2024

Beach fire

When you go to the beach and the sand is a little too hot and the water is a little too cold.

I just got back from Beach fire! It was as if the beach was making me miserable.

by Crowned Raven March 19, 2021