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mexican eggs

poor mans (huevos y habas) eggs & beans

I'm so poor must eat mexican eggs.. take flour dough press into ball ( put yellow food color on top) some beans + 2 strips of mexican bacon Ole'... mexican eggs AKA huevos y habas.

PS I eat mexican eggs in my mexican motel con mucho gusto!

by itichie_nocanpo August 30, 2006

7๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

poached egg

n. When you put a soft boiled egg up somebody's ass, and then they are fucked in the ass until the egg breaks. The resulting eggy santorum must be felched.

I gave that fat bitch a poached egg for breakfast.

by gooberbeans April 21, 2011

5๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

yoni eggs

Yoni eggs refer to the process of stretching and strengthening the vagina muscles similar to kegel exercises. Chakrava.com first created the yoni eggs

Yoni eggs can help stretch and help the vagina and can be found at chakrava.com

by Yonicreation November 18, 2019

11๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž

eggs benedict

when you fry your nuts on a frying pan and then have a chick lick your wounds.

Damn, I fried the shit out of my nuts on that damn frying pan, but then that bitch licked them wounds for me. She motha fuckin eggs benedict my ass.

by bonesaw69 May 14, 2009

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Egg Beater

When a woman has an abundance of cervical mucous, flings it on her husband's face and testicles, and he licks it off.

I am ovulating and want to give you an egg beater!

by The Popesicle February 17, 2008

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egg alert

When a co-worker will notify you by email or vocally alert you that another co-worker had crop dusted (farted while walking by) in the vicinity of your cubicle.

Attention everyone! EGG ALERT!

by Evil Eggs November 12, 2010

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Eggs Benedict

Commonly referred to as semen.
Comes from spilled hollandaise sauce (from an eggs benedict dish) all over an IHOP server.

"Dude, this chick was giving me dome and I forgot to warn her. Eggs Benedict EVERYWHERE!"

by Spence D December 17, 2007

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