Misspelling of whatchamacallit.
That's the whats-a-ma-callit?
Tomás is a really all-around awesome guy who doesn’t do anything bad to anyone ever. Everybody wants Mas Tomás. They say they don’t, but they most definitely do. Everyone is jealous of Tomás yet nobody really knows him. Tomás always gets that bread.
You: I hate Tomás. No mas Tomás.
Literally everyone else: Mas Tomas
You: yeah never mind mas Tomás
Big huge man who can dunk the whole tree. He is into puddings and love to play with Scotty, IanSunny, Josephine.
Ming ma is a hot male who loves everyone who shows that he is that guy
Or Wer ma getz is a filino slang and another way of saying where will I get
Friend: You can go to cebu with a boyfriend
Me: lol wer ma getz (where ma gets)
A derivative of the phrase "Oh my". Used by popular streamer YourRAGE and his friends and chat when they see or hear something crazy.
*YourRAGE watches a video of someone getting smacked on stream*
chatter 1: "O MA"
chatter 2: "O MAA"
Popular Kick/Twitch streamer "YourRAGE" popularized this term. Stemming from his expression "OH MY", his stream chat copied his expression and typed it as "O MA". This spelling of the popular expression paved the way for much more nuanced usage of this word. O MA has been used multiple times by streamers and non-streamers alike. Kai Cenat, Agent00, and many others took this expression and therefore their chats adopted this expression. YourRAGE detests this word from becoming mainstream, so not many people know about this word outside of the W/L community on Twitch.
"O MA" can be used in many ways, but mostly used for twists or very surprising events where you would use the word "Oh My!". Due to this very comedic way of saying this common phrase, it is acceptable to even say this in slightly surprising or awe-inspiring events. This would classify it as a "Filler Word" and therefore, slang that can be shaped and molded to whatever the speaker has in mind.
Example 1;
Video: "Competitive art used to be an Olympic sport."
Example 2;
Person 1: Did you see the new 2k game that just came out?
Person 2: Nah, 2k fell off since 2k16.
Person 1: O MA.
Example 3;
Movie: *twist occurs*
Reactor: "O MAAAAAA"
A round Latino women who bites
Hey man you betta stay away from her she a Mas Quita!