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Czech nose kiss

Sexual technique quite popular in Czech Republic. It is when boy shoots his load into the nose of a girl, and then breaks it.

- Sup, did you do her a czech nose kiss yesterday?

- Yeah totally. Although she wasn't into it.

by KingJirik February 24, 2021

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Squidward with a runny nose

The normal act of squidwarding, but with piss on your penis.

Can i get a tissue for my squidward with a runny nose?

by Teabag man June 12, 2008

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brown nose job

when a certain task is designed to look good for someone else, invariably a boss and you want extra points

look at mr suckup doing a brown nose job for the boss

by jaffaw July 16, 2009

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Powder my nose

Go to bathroom and snort drugs

Am going to go to the bathroom and powder my nose - Mia Wallace, Pulp Fiction

by V Chen November 24, 2016

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snub nose pistol

referring to a situation where a man is insufficient in the penile region. aka - he has a small dick. his unit looks like a snub nosed pistol, large nuts, with a small barrel.

TOOONNNYYYYYY is packin a snub nosed pistol. he likes to pump, but has problems, it falls out a lot.

by dawg nuts March 6, 2005

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kinky nose sex

Like an eskimo kiss only sexier. When you're making out and you stop to rub your noses together .

"Noelle came home with all the make up rubbed off her nose. She must have been having some kinky nose sex or something..."

by NoelleFromHell March 19, 2004

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Nose Popper

Slang term for a line of the drug cocaine.

"let me blow a quick a nose popper, dude."

by Brian Y March 25, 2007

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