A short guy with absolutely no bitches.
I feel sorry for Van-Austin because he's so lonely.
Papa Austin is a professional YouTuber
I'm Papa Austin and I'm a savage
Austin Huston- A bad ass motherfucker, that always keeps it real. Been the shit since he jumped out the porch. Says what's on his mind, and will not give a fuck what they say. A man/female with a big heart. Loveable.
Austin Huston A real ass nigga
Definitely somebody that you haven't delt with before but doesn't mean it's a bad thing. He's actually another kinda of experience that you haven't tried before. A feeling that you haven't felt before . Maybe just the original Austin cody. some people may call him Sapp, I call him sweet. A little bit overprotective but much of a turn-on somehow you always know when he's lying but he makes it so good where you just got to believed him. I mean just look into his eyes and you fall in love with the person with the laughter , charmingness and cleverness he's just somebody that you won't forget .
Stop lying with me Austin cody
I just made a fake word to trick my kids!!! They almost fell for it!!!
Name a famous persons starting with Austin?
Austin Powers
A shithole “city” that is a capital of the shithole state of TexASS. This “city” is where you can find dumb rednecks in lifted trucks and soy eating leftists and whiny preppy bitches forming up like Voltron to piss you off if you are actually smarter than the average americuck. Also people here are a bunch of annoying socio-economic lane enforcer meaning if you are broke, they want you to stay broke. People in LOSStinare very pretentious, pompous, nasal and annoying. People here also can’t drive for shit. Fucking dipshits will be in the left lane going 55 in a fucking 70 in their ugly ass Tesla or Prius and because of that, all the fat, micro-penis hicks and spicks in lifted trucks go blasting down the right lane going 95 mph running merging traffic off the fucking road. And the worst drivers in TexASS all drive shitty Teslas, Toyotas, Fords and Chevys. Fuck LOSStin, TexASS!!!! That useless overgrown suckburb can get ravaged by 50 EF5 tornadoes like the one that hit Jarrell in 1997 and take out all the illegals, bean farters, white trash and house niggers.
Austin, TX is really called LOSStin, TexASS because trying to make any money in that shithole “city” results in a loss of sanity!
Bootlicker without sarcasm comprehension
Don’t be like him , he’s an Austin “the licker “ gromek