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Funko Snaps

A toy that is mainly used by 11-12 year olds looking for fnaf toys at walmart

Child:Mom Look! They Have Funko Snaps!
Mother:why did i have a child


Bohemian Snapping Turtle

A shot of Blue Curaçao and Melon liqueur

I’ll have a beer and a Bohemian Snapping turtle

by Raphael De la Dictionary June 24, 2019

Pointless snap

A thread of snapchats of the ceiling with no words. That serve no purpose other than to send pictures

Another ceiling pic?? This is a pointless snap

by Coolestkidimawesome May 27, 2022


A brand of tools bought by tools.

John did jack shit in High School and thought trades would be the easy way out. Now he has monthly payments on a useless Snap-on toolbox that costs more than a year of community college.

by Trytobe rational March 17, 2022

Snap On

A ghetto-dialect that means the opposite of Ratchet or Wretched

"Girl with high moral standards and is of high quality lineage. She's Snap On ."

by DJ Batty November 3, 2017


The tiny but powerful erection a mechanic get at the prospect of emptying their wallets on hugely overpriced status enhancing tools

I can't go to the wallet raping toolvan yet as the customers will see I've got a snap-on.

by Baconplums October 5, 2022

snap shatter

One who consistently shares their time on the porcelain throne with all of their friends Via SnapChat.

My friends list on snapchat is full of Snap Shatters. All I ever see is turds.

by TheGirlBird March 2, 2014