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Ask clown

This is a person who has all the worst traits from both an "ask hole" and an "ass clown".

It’s a dipshit that thinks he’s done it all and knows everything, yet constantly asks questions in to which the advice he’ll never use.

As soon as we started taking about outboard motors, that fucking "ask clown" Gary Chico has to pipe up about some new story of a super modified engine he was "involved with" that beat all others.

He’s such a fag, his stories are all lies.

by BAMF613 February 25, 2019

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Clown Holing

Reverse farting to power boof a press tab of ecstasy.

We left the after party when some wooks started clown holing their stash.

by Queenmob July 11, 2019

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Pants Clowned

To be intoxicated, "fucked up" or otherwise inebriated.

Goddamn, Jimmy drank a gallon of Gin and now he's pants clowned...

by The JZA & The RZA August 26, 2004

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Stepping on a clown

In the process of breaking wind

Im going to be stepping on a clown real soon, and you are not going to like it

by bowen_arrow May 6, 2010

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clown god

someone on the ultimite level of being gay

that fools a clown god

by Taulman December 27, 2008

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clowned out

- a clown
- a certain thing you did or a move you just made would
be considered clowned out!

bill:"aye john, dey go ya girl"
sha:"hahaha .. you clowned out yo"

by shortyonion May 2, 2008

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clown facing

Clown facing is the ancient art of first pucnhing a woman in the face hard enough to make her bleed. This is followed up in quick succession by then cumming in her face. The effect is very much like a clowns makeup.

She didn't show me no respect, so I ended up clown facing da bitch.

by Martin Lyons August 31, 2006

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