(n.) The sound of vacuuming, particularly whilst one is doing something else or listening to something else of genuine musical value at the time.
- “Kylie Minogue’s greatest hits don’t sound that great anymore with this domestic dubstep in the background now, do they, Jeremy?”
- “What?”
Alas, Jeremy could not hear, for ‘twas too loud.
The philosophical study of real time events that relates to your personal life expressed through videos and pictures.
Domestic Philosophy is also known as memes.
Something P/O Day of the 12th District made up. You won't find it in any crimes code book. However it only applies when the complainant does not know the offenders name, but they are in a relationship. The scene will always be contaminated, and the job will ALWAYS be founded. Be sure to contact the detective division prior to leaving the scene, as more often than not they want the scene held.
1237...wacha got out there? 1237...its going to be a domestic burglary, the complainant doesn't know the offenders name, but they are in a replationship.
When a first or second date suddenly becomes a day of impromptu "domestic bliss".
We were supposed to go rock climbing, but got rained out. So she suggested coming over to watch a movie. The next thing I'm cooking for her and painting her toenails. I got domestic blitzed!
the extremely rare occasion in which one starts to enjoy housework and cleaning...
I'm really getting in the domestic groove today... I might just wash the windows next...
A state of being when a one said free spirited human being wakes up and realizes the traumatic reality of how privileges now feel much more like a chore.??
Upon Sally's arrival to her new foreign home she is experiencing domestic sadness reminiscing of her easy days in the U.S.
A domestic injury inflicted by a commonly used everyday household item
Oh man, I dropped a full jar of vegemite on my big toe this morning...
Nothing like some domestic fuckery to get the day rolling...
Oh wow....you just got DF’d