Source Code

Used Canoe

Bobbing on cock (the "oar") in a swimming pool and/or getting tea-bagged while floating on a raft. Variant: Doing push-ups, poolside, while bobbing on the cock of a swimmer floating in the pool.

Girlfriend: Did you blow that guy while floating on your Pringles inflatable raft?

Her: He treated me like a Used Canoe.


I was backfloating while she went upside down on me like a Used Canoe.


Look at that little guy by the pool! He's covering that D like a used canoe.

by Roderick Tutweiler June 16, 2010

7๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

douche canoe

Not a definition but the orgin of the phrase: This phrase was coined in 2004 by Blake Edmondson in Camp Walker, South Korea. It was used as an alternative phrase for someone being a complete moron / dick / dirtbag. After Edmondson transferred stations I attempted to pass this phrase on along with other greats such as..... Gungle a gungle, (rumble of a V8) Kadouche (boom), and Splack (disgusting splash).

Mongo don't be such a douche canoe, just drink the damn shot!

by You know! October 12, 2012

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Canoe Captain

a leader of a lesbian group or a self proclaimed female gay activist with no useful purpose other then self-promotion.

Last night at a local gay club the "Canoe Captain" led a fear-less group of lesbians in an effort to protest the existence of men.

by spike001 March 15, 2006

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Canoe Paddling

Male version of a motorboat but it's when a man's penis is fondled.

-"Dude, during dinner she kept grabbing my croch under the table and playing with it."
-"Bro, so she was canoe paddling you!"

by Paw Lee February 8, 2012

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douche canoe

A vehicle containing or transporting two or more douchebags.

Dude, check out that Hummer over there. It's a total douche canoe.

by Skirish April 25, 2010

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dumped a canoe

Pooped on her peach (vagina)

Last night I dumped a canoe, literally pooped on her vagina

by Wiznut August 18, 2017


Great nickname for a person named Valentina. Valentina is a dope friend who is hilarious and a great companion.

Person1: Wow Valentina is so nice
Person2: Yeah she's a VAL-Cano

by Chinchillasaur101 May 24, 2018