When, during foreplay or intercourse, one's finger travels toward the asshole of their partner in hopes to spice things up.
"Last night I was banging my wife and I tried to stick my finger in her ass. She wouldn't let that curious traveler in there."
The unconscious act of Male arousal through the monotonous motion of a motorised vehicle or The vibration of the motor felt though the seat of the vehicle.
The vibration from the motor of the bus gave Gabriel a case of travel stiffness.
an erection while traveling (ie, in a car, on a bus, on a train).
(while driving)
passenger: "my god, i've got the biggest travel dog right now"
driver: "fuck man that's disgusting, get the fuck out of my car"
Getting physical with another person who is traveling or while you are traveling
Being sexual with someone you met on vacation is travel scrabble.
Another name for The Bammer Hammer
"I think the travel gavel is jammed"
A company invented by the great Combocambo, it may have been robbed off a fatty but at the end of the day its lols inni, these are usually flashcards cut into 4 equal rectangles and have a picture of a person their name and usually job age and the things they like to do
Person 1 oi u got traveler cards
person 2 bruh I'm the Traveler INC CEO
When listening to a particular song takes you back to a very specific time and place.
Every time I hear Moonlight Drive by the Doors, I tune travel back to being a kid in my Dad’s 74 Monte Carlo.