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Tap The Maple

Taking a hit off of a marijuana cartridge or clear

Yo bro you tryna tap the maple

by The_Sheriff October 25, 2020

Maple heights

A ghetto ass city in Ohio where there is always fights and people getting exposed and getting hit by cars it’s real fun y’all should come

dave: where you from
me: maple heights

by iamray March 15, 2021

Maple dick

The Canadian equivalent of honey dick, as in honeydicking.

The Canadian spy attempted to maple dick the mountie to get those sweet top secret documents.

by Hojimachong October 10, 2015




by I LIKE CHEEEZE September 9, 2020

Keith Maple

Weed Term. The act of rolling a joint and dipping it in some maple syrup (excluding the roach) only a thin coat and then dabbing the joint in keith until it is covered. When you then smoke it it tastes of maple syrup while still fucking you up.

Yo jay wanna go for a keith maple after school tommorow?

by BlaxBro September 9, 2017

Maple valley

A place where everyone are stuck up bitches likes to shit talk . Tahoma is full of hoes and tries put people down people like to judge you for what you do . Maplevalley is a place where kids try and act cool by doing drugs and over dosing and going to party’s getting blacked out drunk .

Maple valley is a hell hole

by 420fuckitup October 17, 2018

maple glaze

another word for cum.

Jay: I just put all my maple glaze on Katie earlier.
Tim: Your what??
Jay: My maple glaze man. I came all over her! My cum was everywhere.
Tim: Oh ok.

by Token1 June 24, 2015