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farm and wilderness

the most awesome camp ever!!

i love farm and wilderness!

by mostamazingpersonintheworld November 6, 2007

20๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bet The Farm

To put up everything you have, while gambling in a card game.

Mike bluffed with his ace high and bet the farm losing everything.

by TwitChy December 14, 2003

40๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

fat farm

A clinic or resort where people go to lose weight. This is a somewhat derisive term for such an establishment.

She spends all her vacations at a fat farm but it hasn't helped so far.

Laverne and Shirley went to the fat farm.

by SoberDude December 4, 2008

49๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Kiwi Farms

A website full of cynics who yearn for the approval of those around them, and anonymously harrass people online for not conforming to their community's beliefs, which they themselves have religiously adopted.

Boy ol' gosh golly, I sure do love going onto Kiwi Farms and laughing at autists and liberals!

by Wumbus July 22, 2018

3250๐Ÿ‘ 900๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bought The Farm

phrase: refers to someone deceased in a military accident or operation. Phrase predates World War II, but came into common use at that time due to the large numbers of training casualties due inexperienced pilots/crewmembers trained in aircraft that are much less reliable than today. Common accidents in rural areas would result in aircraft crashing into barns, fields, or rural property, resulting in damages. The US Government would compensate the affected property owners with checks to pay for damages, or in some cases condemn land contaminated with undetonated/unlocated munitions/weapons, in effect "buying the farm".

"28 of us started out in my class in UPT (Undergraduate Pilot Training) but only 11 of us earned our wings. 13 washed out, 2 got held back, and Higgins and Baker bought the farm when they lost power on climb-out."

by speedstan February 24, 2010

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fart farm

Someone who passes a lot of gas.

Windy Cindy is a real fart farm today. I was sitting behind her in first period class and I knew exactly what she had for breakfast 10 minutes into the class.

by Elevator Al May 30, 2008

19๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

yard farming

An act of mischief in which you drive a vehicle through someone's yard in order to leave tracks or ruts. Best done during, or just after a good hard rain. The ultimate accomplishment is to back right up to the front door and "put the pedal to the medal" spraying mud and grass all over the front of the house.

Brian was talking smack today. But that's okay, we'll go yard farming at his house tonight. He'll learn not to run that mouth.

by MTS73 March 10, 2008

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