Source Code


time and material.
how much labor(time) and how much material is necessary to complete the job

this job will be $10 an hour for 10 hours plus $50 worth of material equals a total job cost of $150

by the blac god of death June 26, 2004

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A rule having a short, sometimes sliding, perpendicular crosspiece at one end, used by drafters for establishing and drawing parallel lines.

1. I used the T-Square to mark a straight cut on that 2x4

2. Bobby jammed his T-Square up Joey's ass

by Amanda Hugginkiss May 28, 2004

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oli t

Oli T is when you want to use a swear word but it is inappropriate.

Stupid Oli T
I am going to Oli T you

by To1m April 2, 2007

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a passionate downpour of rain, with scattered BANGS! of thunder..

Scintilla: Whoratiam, don't forget your t-storm repellent rainboots! There are going to be some scattered t-storms throughout the day!

Whoratiam: Thanks, Scintillae! I'm going to meet Marcus ad forum. Don't worry, I'll remember to wear my extra special boots so that the t-storm doesn't get my toga all wet!

by blackwhiterose April 3, 2009

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Nicky T

Another name for one of the Bay Areas most sickest rappers alive, Andre Nickatina. Its derrived from him last name.

Tyrone: Ayo Slick! Guess who I seen when I was in the Fillmo today!

Slick: Who bro?

Tyrone: NICKY T!

Slick: Oh word, thats tight!

by RawAssGLORIA August 26, 2008

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1. To share sex partners
2. Have a threesome

Guy1: "We T-rolled Kelly last night!"
Guy2: "You both hit?"

by Felony410 March 25, 2010

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being so drunk that you feel it necessary to split your words up with a hyphen.

dude, i am soo fucking t-rashed! lets go do a beer bong.

by ojpimpjuice69 December 9, 2008

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