Beautiful is another word for Rebecca because Rebecca is really beautiful although she is 5,1 but that doesn’t matter because she has the nicest arse in the world and she’s really stunning and she is my princess🥰❤️
“you know Rebecca? Yeah she’s really beautiful”
The meaning of Beautiful is Rebecca because she is extremely beautiful although she is 5 foot tall she has the nicest arse In the world and she’s extremely stunning and she is my princess🥰
“You know Rebecca? Yh she’s beautiful”
This word can mean a few things, viewing something as being mesmerizing like a landscape or art. Feeling attracted to someone, but seeing their inner beauty as well. It’s a better compliment than pretty or handsome, because it’s a deeper meaning behind it. This word also can be used to describe a mindset or someone’s personality.
Gerald: “You don’t know Rebecca like I do, she is beautiful inside & out.”
Baron: “Sure, she is beautiful & gorgeous but her mind is more than that.”
Charlotte: “This painting is brilliant, such a beautiful way of capturing the moment.”
Tom: “Wow, look at how beautiful the sun shines on the field of flowers today.”
Go to a mirror and look at it. You'll see something very beautiful
The girl looked in the mirror and thought: "Wow I Am Beautiful In My Own Magnificent Way.
Snowy. Snowy is beautiful, which means he's very pretty. Love Snowy. Choose Snowy. Ily Snowy.
Person1: You're beautiful
Person2: I can't be beautiful Snowy is the only person who's beautiful