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Michael Piazza

This fat cunt his so god damn dumb he threw a rock at the ground and missed. He has failed high school and dropped out of kindergarden at age 12 cause he was so cool. He now lives a life of smoking grass and ferns

Michael Piazza is a gay nigger

by Michael Piazza October 31, 2017

8๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Michael Arballo

One who is the coolest mofo of all time.

Slayer of the vagina and everything holy.

"hey Michael Arballo keep your right hand strong, and your pimp hand stronger"

by Gouda94 January 10, 2012

8๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson, an innocent man who has done nothing but help save children's lives, and is the victim of evil.

Michael Jackson is 100% innocent, and we KNOW it.

by Sofia April 10, 2005

362๐Ÿ‘ 235๐Ÿ‘Ž

Michael Vick

The ability to earn approximately 100 million dollars over 10 years for slightly less than one touchdown pass per week and slightly more than one spectacular run every week.

Alternate definition: The ability to have the man in charge(e.g.,Arthur Blank, Falcons owner)so infatuated with you he develops a schoolboy crush and gives you said 100 million dollars.

Bill doesn't know how to do his job, but he makes the CEO laugh, so he "Vicked" that promotion.

by whitemale_98 December 31, 2005

144๐Ÿ‘ 88๐Ÿ‘Ž

Michael Vick

Not your normal everyday type of Monkey Nigger. This offshoot breed is very specific consisting of just one individual with a distinct homogeneous(not to be confused with Fag Nigger), appearance (phenotype), homogeneous behavior(dog abusing fucktard), and/or other characteristics that distinguish it from other Niggers of the same species. This specific breed is as fucking retarded and low as it gets, the main characteristics include, but are not limited to; using helpless animals, specifically dogs, as if they are not worthy of dignity or humane treatment, making large sums of money that would sustain multiple generations and within a few years winding up a broke ass nigger, spending said money on niggerish activities (i.e. dogfighting)...... This is the lowest form of any breed known to exist, and shouldn't be allowed to procreate in normal nigger fashion. It should be eradicated, not supported, endorsed or generally acknowledged as even being human. Simply put #FUCKmichaelvick, piece of shit dog abusing jiggaboo, monkey ass bitch!

What was the name of that Porch Monkey who used dogs to fight each other???

You're talking about that piece of shit Michael Vick, right?

Yeah, that's the dickless, low life porcher I was thinking about.

by Mikebird December 7, 2019

15๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bret Michaels

20ish years ago1980's: a pretty awesome & hot lead singer for the kick-ass hair metal band Poison.

Present Day: a giant tool-bag who doesn't know how to age well, whose best friend is his right hand, and still thinks he is 20 years old and can get all the girls he wants. we'll just call it a mid-life crisis.

Zach: look, it's Bret Michaels.
Robin: what a shame. he used to be so cool
Zach: yea too bad he's a giant toolbag now.

by RouxRoux October 21, 2008

98๐Ÿ‘ 57๐Ÿ‘Ž

michael watts

the best dj in texas. chops and screws songs for swisha house. right hand man of mike jones, magno, chamillionaire, slim thug, 50-50, etc.

mike watts is the shit

by ian the d May 16, 2004

54๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž