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Five Nights at Freddy's

A game created by Scott Cawthon, followed by a prequel and a sequel. The game has been give much hype by the fandom, the fans calling themselves "Fanimatronics". In the game, you play as a security guard to fend off animatronics and prevent them from jumpscaring you.

Mark: Hey, have you seen the game Five Nights at Freddy's?
Felix: Yeah, it's a great game.
Mark: I have it on my computer, wanna take turns playing?
Felix: Sure!

by Minecrafter_Foxy April 22, 2015

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one seven five

A 1.75 liter bottle of alcohol.

hey, pick me up a one seven five of rum.

by djashburnmn September 19, 2007

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five buck chuck

(Australian) - any cheap and nasty booze that gets you totally off your guts.

This is not related to the Seppo version of "two buck chuck" where the chuck refers to the specific brand of booze (Charles Swan). The "chuck" in Australia refers to the act of vomiting, which an average bottle of this stuff will do to you.

There are many types of cheap stuff for around five bucks a bottle, but as a pre-requisite they must smell and taste like a blend of juniper berries and paint stripper.

As favoured by 16-year-olds everywhere.

See also Goon Of Fortune, park the tiger

Classic examples of five buck chuck drinks: Spumante, Passion Pop, Mississippi Moonshine, or anything in a cask (goon).

by Choda Boy 57 August 15, 2006

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High Fiving The Bacon

Slapping your hand down on a shaved vagina.

"During a TSA pat down, things got uncomfortable when the agent high fived my bacon." (Past tense of High Fiving The Bacon)

by YDoUAsk November 10, 2011

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five finger linger

Putting one's entire hand inside an orifice for sexual stimulation. Like fisting, except my girlfriend doesn't find the "five finger linger" to be quite as revoltingly blunt as "fisting".

If I really want to abuse her hole, I simply give her the ol' five finger linger.

by T-B0NE666 January 5, 2005

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Backhand High Five

A high five using the back of the hand rather than the palm. Often considered the new fist bump.

Mark gave me a backhand high five and it was the coolest.

by Brad McCallister June 15, 2008

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five minute piss

A urination that literally takes 5 minutes to complete. Usually done after a long night of drinking.

Man, I swear. I had to pee so bad this morning, that I took a five minute piss! Got a pee high now!

by LonePooper February 4, 2018