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what hu

a little jake paul fan trying to get away with saying what the instead of what the

what hu is this shit

by covfefe20 June 5, 2017

what the snerp

some fag on Lax.com commented a hundred times saying what the snerp. i would assume it means "what the fuck" or " what the hell"

Person 1:i just fucked you mom
Son: What the snerp bra?!!?

by Laxbro May 8, 2013

what a jew

"A term for calling someone any swear you can think of" like when your playing warzone and someone uses a street sweeper in rebirth.
Likely originated from my Xbox party when talking about gassing the Jews.

"Dude did you hear that mike performed a Alaskan snow dragon On Brooke, Yeah what a jew.

by mike hawk is sofa king small May 18, 2021

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

What ๐Ÿ—ฟ

When your utterly confused by something either concerning or disturbing

Mom: Hey hun can you pass me the butter? Your dad ate all of it before he left.
You: What ๐Ÿ—ฟ

by SpectacularCr0w October 5, 2021

What a scoop!

Ne haber ama!

A piece of surprising news. A surprising hearing.

- Oh, my husband feels the same way about this palace. We all hate, actually.
- Really? What a scoop!

by laviniaque November 5, 2019

What the Fah?!

"What the fuck?!" without using the full F-word as not to offend, but keep the same effect.

What the Fah?!

by psedo-tim February 3, 2011

what the epinephrine

A more emphasized way of saying, โ€œwhat the heck/fuck?!โ€

Used especially in a particularly stressful situation.

*car screeches to a halt, nearly hitting you*

You: what the epinephrine?!?!

by faded&jaded January 31, 2018