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12 pack abs

The belly one gets from drinking a 12 pack of beer every day where the abs are covered by a thick layer of fat.

Look at the 12 pack abs on that guy, he must drink a lot of beer.

by Takes balls to go by "Dick" February 18, 2011

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back packed

To be left behind/last in any situation

I asked Lola to pick me up, so we could leave but I got back packed.

I didnt sign up on time so yeh, they back packed me

by fueradelplaneta March 14, 2009

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Six pack monster

A monsters that lives under endinburghs beds

The six pack monster came to us

by Guru jazham lover July 17, 2019

Packing Peanut House

This is when ones house or room or apartment is filled entirely with Packing Peanuts. Very Good for Hibernation in Cold Countries like Canada. This message is approved by Shaqib Khan

It's really cold out. Lets make a Packing Peanut House

by Sqb1990 November 11, 2019

Mexican Six Pack

A shrink wrapped package consisting of three 24oz beers, usually cheap domestic beers sold at discount prices. Vendors include but are not limited to, convenience stores, gas stations, and truck stops.

“What a shitty day at work dude. Wanna stop by the gas station and get a Mexican six pack?”

by Kutzo January 15, 2021

Davis Tillery Pack

A way of saying someone is high or was high. You smoke that Dave Till Pack if you smoke ganja. Damn near the most exquisite pack of all time. When Davis Tillery gets the best of you it’s over.

“Dave Till got the best of me” “God damn Davis Tillery Pack got me”

by rickdiedrich March 27, 2023

Vanilla Snack Pack

During sex, you pull out and cum in her belly button, filling it to the top. During threesome's it's customary for the other female to eat this treat.

Tony just got up and left. I tried to go after him and spilled my vanilla snack pack everywhere. I gotta wash these sheets.

by Darkshadows October 4, 2015