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Chest sickness

Auditory hallucination. When you keep hearing chests on fortnite that aren’t there.

“Can you hear that? I swear I can hear a chest in the attic but there’s nothing there.”
“You’ve got a bad case of the chest sickness my friend.”

by BigBrd June 21, 2018

sick as a dick

Another idiom for sick as a dog
Feelinf very unwell,

That guy's sick as a dick

by gilfaizoncharmedimsure June 3, 2018

Sick's Fee

Canada has free universal health care. Well, as free as it can get, they pay for it out of income taxes and sales taxes. A longstanding Canadian tradition requires each citizen to set aside that amount of money he or she would usually have to spend on medical insurance, and to use it to help others in need. The "Sick's Fee" is the name assigned to that money, and by law it must be spent on, or given to, some other Canadian who is need of something, whether that be a new roof, clean beaver pelt clothing, maple syrup or an exhibit of Canadiana. The Sick's Fee is the "pay it forward" component in the Constitution. How does this cash get spent? Well, the finest examples of the art of making maple tree taps has been gathered for display on a planned new web site. "SicksFeeTapArt.ca" is just one more twisted and bored Canadian's view of how to help his fellow man to survive COVID-19. You can have fun even if you are not Canadian. Just contribute ONE photo which exemplifies any artistic creation that in some tiny, remote, humorous way refers to the word "tap". Just 3 simple letters... but a world of untapped possibilities!

Where do YOU stand on this?... Sick's Fee Tap Art? Yes or NO!?? Will you socially distance your self again today? or will you "Pull a Trump" and go spread your spit at the office on May 1?
If Bernie Sanders had not dropped out, might the USA once have adopted the tradition of the Sick's Fee? Would Americans soon have been spending their sick's fee on each other? Would they say Yes! to Sick's Fee Tap Art? Or would they say "You can take your sick's fee to hell" or "I'll show you where you can shove your sick's fee to!"
"I cannot stand Sick's Fee Tap Art.... I have to be closer to see the whites of their eyes."
First they take your guns and then they want you... sick's fee tap art!
Trump closed the Canadian border because he knows everyone in Canada likes sick's fee tap art.
Until COVID-19 came along, even Google had never seen the phrase "sick's fee tap art" anywhere in the Interweb, now it has gone viral!
I believe one Canadian's "sick's fee" to be another man's "two meters less 10%".

by You rReal Name April 16, 2020

Sickness cure

Give Anthony money and u will feel better instantly, (moms credit card number heals u faster)

Anthony has money! I’m cured! Sickness cure!

by Professional doctor November 25, 2022

A sick perverted motherfucker

When someone unfollows you on instagram.

You saw that Michael unfollowed us. Yes he’s a sick perverted motherfucker

by Nicolastheasshole November 21, 2021

Sick Man Syndrome

When men get sick, they act like the world is going to end or that they can't do anything because they are dying.

Side effects include, but not limited to:
Back-Talking and Bad-Mouthing the Person Who is Trying to Take Care of Them.
Not Able to Do Anything for One's Self.
Bitchiness, Crying, and Moaning.
An Attitude Problem.
Turning into a Giant Baby.
Inability to Do Anything Other Than Whine.
Possible Death (at the hands of anyone forced to take care of them).

Girl are you ok? I heard your husband has Sick Man Syndrome. Hope is hasn't neen too difficult to take care of.

by Chellsrn November 17, 2023

milking a sick cow

Using an idea for a product that is now old, boring, and predictable.

That Marvel franchise is milking a sick cow at this point.

by zcap9 March 4, 2018