To celebrate, especially prematurely. See: 1994, Plano East vs John Tyler high school football highlights. Applies to any and all situations in which exuberant celebration is called for
1: The announcers broke out the Oreos a little too soon when they proclaimed their team the winner
2: DeSean Jackson was so busy breaking out the Oreos, he forgot to not throw the ball away before crossing the goal line.
3: “I just got elected president, break out the Oreos, baby!”
3 hours later...
“They’re recounting votes in Florida? Damn...broke out the Oreos too soon...”
A team of people who all got their heart broken, but working together to heal!
The heart break gang will reunite on Valentine’s Day
When someone or something has been posted multiple times by various people. Thus, taking over the viewers timeline.
Dude what is up with this guy in a shark suit breaking my feed today!??!
An over the pants hand job at the drive in in a T-Top convertible. Lots of chaffing.
“Matt did you get any last night?”
“Just a Colorado fast break”
This sentence is often times used when someone is sad or disappointed. It cannot be used when you are only mildly disappointed. You must be extremly sad
Guy A "Dude i can't go this week"
Guy B "Aww man now this just breaks my crayons..."
Two or more people that have spring break at the same time, and will hopefully be hanging out during that time
Katelyn and Connor have the same spring break schedule, they're spring break buddys
Term used to describe Italian tough guys poking fun at their friends.
As used in the movie Goodfellas:
If I was going to break your balls I would tell you to get your shine box!