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Great Wall Of Vagina

The bone type structure inside a girl's vagina that you must maneuver around to get to the "g-spot" while fingering her.

Girl: "Pleasure me more baby!"

Guy: "Okay I must get past the Great Wall Of Vagina"

by DWEAVE AND DIRTY January 23, 2010

18๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

hitting my walls

The ryhthemic pounding of a vagina to the point of orgasm or extreme satisfaction, with especially long and girthy specimens.

Girllll ---Derrick has been hitting my walls like crazy! Like every goddamn day! ...I think he stopped seeing his side bitch.

by TeddyPender December 30, 2016

15๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Occupy Wall Street

A protest and series of demonstrations that have gone global and define the frustrations of the the general population towards the laws, regulations and policies of authority that that have been manipulated by corporate greed to put profit above people.

The Occupy Wall Street protests have frightened law enforcement into "Police riots", that have shown the violence comes only from authority.

by Decidedvoter October 30, 2011

513๐Ÿ‘ 385๐Ÿ‘Ž

Occupy Wall Street

The bottom 99% of people on the income bracket rightfully protesting the top 1% getting more money than they deserve.

The richest people in the world (e.g. bankers, CEOs, media moguls, so called "job creators") don't actually work. They have other people work for them. They rake in millions of dollars while the people doing the actual work have to deal with lower pay and higher taxes.

And then the rich folks spend their unearned money on politicians, essentially controlling congress (both Republicans and Democrats). As a result, congress is happy to bail out these people when their businesses start losing money with cash out of the taxpayer's pocket. Not to mention the tax cuts doled out to these billionaires (started by Bush, extended by Obama). That is exactly what OWS is protesting.

Occupy Wall Street is one of the few glimmers of hope as the USA descends further into debt.

Let's have a show of hands. Thumbs up if you support the movement.

by Colder October 27, 2011

672๐Ÿ‘ 522๐Ÿ‘Ž

Talking To Walls

An indie-rock band from New Haven, CT

Talking To Walls is like The Replacements meets Cure.

by dc-music-lover March 5, 2009

2๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Great Wall of Vagina

A female version of "Cock Blocking". If a girl is out with a guy or girl and prevents them from getting lucky due to something they do, or just by being there.

Dave - Why am i having no luck tonight with girls tonight?!?!?

Tracey - Oh, that might be my fault, inadvertent Great wall of Vagina. All the girls must think you're with me.

Dave - Well fuck off then! I want to get lucky!

by Sir Dave Longpipe I January 10, 2014

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Great Wall of Trump

The wall Trump says he will build to keep illegal immigrants out of the country.

I'm tired of all these illegals. I can't wait until they receive their free vacation to The Great Wall of Trump.

by MWstein November 19, 2016

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