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British Ma

1. The mother of British. (see British)

2. An imaginary figure that is theoretically capable of representing any person, place, thing, idea or dimension.

3.A nullifying response to any direct question asked that quickly deflects any awkwardness experienced from the initial question.

GuyI saw you parked down the lane with another man in the car and you were both in the back seat. Who was it that you were with?

Girl: British Ma
Both: *Laughter*

by IguanaChoonez May 6, 2011

Facebook ma

A lady of a certain age who, spending too much time on Facebook, has lost the ability to interact socially with actual humans and no longer has any boundaries of courtesy, respect or civility. They derive a sense of purpose from badly informed social media crusades, travel in packs, and can be identified by their cognitive dissonance.

Likely to have a celebrity in their underwear as their profile picture, while cover photo will be an inspirational quote that can best be summed up as:
I'm a bit fucked up & will act like a child but if you have a problem with that, it's your own fault'

Low levels of self awareness result in over use of Snapchat filters and a unswerving belief that they are still a size 10.

Husband (if present at all) likely to be mortified by the drunken, argumentative ramblings and relieved that these only take place on non-bingo nights.

Chronic inability to spell disgusting.

Shazzer: More FB kick offs tonight hun?
Jules: Nah babe, it's wednesdee, bingo night!

Shazzer: Facebook ma!

by Angel_k April 18, 2019

kachigga ma nigga

when a nigga is next to you and you hit some sick shots on a game or in school shooting

damn, kachigga ma nigga, that was a sick shot

by niggersbeballin July 30, 2023

Skrt ma hurt

Skrt ma hurt meaning a slang way to say emotions also upbeat and still positive

Skrt ma hurt man I thought we were friends.

by February 3, 2021

Ma ma

slang term for the drug MDMA, also known as "Molly"

Mix the Ma Ma with the water call it New Balance

by bricksboy69 September 3, 2015


Grandma or grandmother.

My grandson calls me Ma-Ma

by Ms. J.P. August 13, 2019

Bedford ma

Bedford is a small ass town that no one knows. Although you can drive through the town in ten minutes during the day, when there is traffic, you will want to die in the 50 minutes car ride across town. Here you can find 11 nail salons within a two minute walk of each other. You could also come to our crappy highschool and get a terrible education and probably end up doing drugs or drug deals that occur in plain sight. To make it better, you could play for an awful sports team and have no chance at getting into a good collage. Come and meet some of the worlds worst people and teachers .

A: “I need my nails done.”
B: “Come to Bedford Ma. We have 11 places to get our nails done even though u can drive through the whole town in 10 minutes, and it’s one of the smallest towns in Ma.”

by BedfordOof December 6, 2018