The goat of flipping and heisting coins. He’ll touch a mill in an hour from 0. You should give him coins bc he’ll flip that shit and get to top 5 quick asf. He a crazy flipper tho
You heard of Young boy better? Yea he’s that crazy man who will heist 400k n get 1M
the amount of boys vs the amount of girls in your class
james:whats ur boy to girl ratio
matt:12:16 (12 boys 16 girls)
matt: what about you
james: im in a all boys class :c
Meth and weed rolled together in a blunt
Let’s go smoke a dirty white boy cody
The kind of boi who you think is very easy to fuck. They’re probably really cute but also kind of a fuckboy at the same time. A fuckable boi will usually use his fuckableness to lure girls into thinking that they will always be with him, and then just use them and throw them away.
Person 1: OMG!!!!! He is such a fuckable boi!!!!!
Person 2: wtf is that supposed to mean
a cute boy you would see on the metro
"Metro boy is so damn handsome!"
Prideful ass nigga who dont give you the time of day cause he thinks hes the shit. And when involved with you never hits you up again and tries to make you look like the crazy bitch..
Bitch boy is someone who doesn’t have any balls
person 1: i let her sit on my face
person 2: ohh so you’re a bitch boy