Matteo or Matt is the best.
Oh no, man, what happened to Matt Hughes!? Train accident!? Aw man... That is tragic.
Hym "What!? Matt Hughes got hit train!? Man that sucks! He's alive but he suffered some brain damage. Man... He was the best. He was the pre-GSP pound for pound goat. Let's get his record quick... 45 and 9 with wins against guys like Bj Penn and GSP. Man... FRE NEURALINK FOR MATT HUGHES OR A.I. DEATH-BOT VIOLENCE FOR EVERYONE!!!"
Ope! MATT HUGHES! IT WAS MATT HUGHES WITH THE ARMBAR! Hold on......................................................... Yup. Matt Hughes.
Hym "Ah, shit! It was Matt Hughes! Not Matt Sera! I didn't see a thing that reminded me. I just remembered."
The real reason world war 2 ended
Damn it Matt farted again evacuate the area NOW
Matt A is an amazing person and God's gift to your life! He will cheer you up anytime and he's good at it too. He is a person you can be around and not get too annoyed with (most of the time at least). I think the only thing that this person needs to work on is time management. besides that, he's a spectacular monkey!
He also works out a lot and loves eating food as well.
He is also besties with Matt P and they both love each other
Me: Hey, have you seen Matt A?
MB: No, why?
Me: He said he would meet me here.
MB: when?
Me: um, let's see... *checks time* *jaw drops* "It was supposed to be about 5 hours ago".
MB: bruh what?!
*car drives in parking lot* * they both look up and look at the car*
Me: who is tha... are you kidding me?!
MB: what?
Me: It's Matt A.
*Matt A walks out of the car with a huge smile on his face*
Me: what are you smiling about?
Matt A: I'm so happy I made it here on time!
Me: no you didn't, look at the time you are 5 hours late!
Matt A: No look I said this time......Oh my bad, I read that wrong.
Me: you're lucky you are a great person!
Folks make sure you work on your time managment so you don't end up in Matt A's situation!
(<3 U)
An extremely cool person, specifically reserved for Matthew Nissen
Damn here comes Matt Nissen
No bro hes MATT HAZARD
A self righteous, uncaring self centered piece of work. Matt Allen's are as smart as a Allen key wrench set, but those are more useful. They have a horrible temper and are always red in the face. Your best friend one minute then stealing your shit the next. Basically a complete squid.
Dude 1: why do you think you have the right to do whatever you want?
Dude 2: because I'm Matt Allen!