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Amherst, MA

A small, self-professed liberal town in Western Massachusetts. Amherst has a population of about 35,000 and a median age of 21.8, thanks to UMass, Amherst College, and Hampshire College. A town that prides itself on believing strongly in diversity, 76.7% of the population is white, with only 6.2% hispanic and 5.1% Black. The government is a town meeting with select board members, which are overwhelmingly white.

The residents and parents in Amherst are so concerned about political correctness that they petitioned to prevent the high school from performing West Side Story, because the play portrayed Puerto Rico and hispanics in a negative light. Instead, the high school put on a production of Guys and Dolls, which is one of the most sexist musicals ever written.

If you attend a choral performance in Amherst, each of the following will probably be on the bill:
-at least one song from Africa
-at least one song in a different language, probably more than that, probably one in Yiddish (most of the performers will have no clue what they are singing)
-at least one song about loving each other and/or peace, and will most likely be related to diversity
-none of the songs will be overtly christian, in order to include everyone

Amherst once had a MaDonald's, but it went out of business, in part because it was next to Antonio's (which sells pizza by the slice until about 1:30am, with ANYTHING you could ever think of for a topping).

Amherst is a suburb of itself. Leave the city limits, and you find yourself surrounded by cornfields, cow farms, and tiny hill towns.

by stuck here and can't get out July 14, 2005

144๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž

Acton, Ma

acton is one of the many massachusetts towns of the asian invasion

Lizzy: You been to Acton, Mass?
Lexi: Yeah. Half the lunch tables there are full of Asians.

by xo83 December 10, 2010

92๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bell Ma

Bell Ma; Southern term for A female who has been with your Man/Mate/Husband/Boyfriend/Baby Daddy. Female Jody This is an old Southern term used in rural Louisiana by Black Folks. A "Bell Pa" is the male equivalent. It is not required that the person had sex with your mate, only a romantic relationship will qualify. Jody, Girlfriend, Girlfriends,exes,ex, ex-girlfriend,ex-girlfriends

Friend; Look at Nadine over there talking to Her Bell Ma, I bet she doesn't know.

by 1me December 28, 2015

16๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Webster, MA

A small yet, still very hip-hoppin town in Massachusetts. Webster, MA was really defined in the late 1980's into the 1990's by its notorious Pit parties..LEO's and Minebrook RD. more dance parties then Solid GOLD .. Granite Street has now become one of the hottest gettos spots in the summertime but, back in the day it housed some of Webster's finest residences. Everyone knows the heart of Webster, MA Getto is North Village but, the lack of publicity has taken away from it's Getto status.. The Local BOWL-O-Drome still stands to this day and some Webster residents say candlepin bowling is making a comeback. More recently Jerry curl has been used by bowlers..Webster, MA is world wide famous for its lake which has the longest name known and any real local can say it and even spell it to boot... The Lake is free to Locals and some loot for everyone else but, on any hot given day this local beach will be getto to the Gettoin wet and down... Please be advised profanity and families with many members and multiple cultures are looked upon as welcomed in this town and all its public venues. We all fish in the middle in Webster, MA And you know this MAN... Webster also more recently has began housing local wrestling where "has been" wrestlers bring it back at the Webster Town Hall..Getting ready to rumble Getto style!!
Webster , MA is as Urban as it gets!!

Pit PARTEE a gathering in Webster, MA involving a bonfire in a remote wooded area with kegs, random make-out sessions LOTS of AC/DC and the occasional fight of sorts)

by Sparkles Angela February 8, 2010

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Uno Mas

It is a popular sport where the object of the game is to get a ball into a bin without using your hands or letting it touch the ground. You must say Uno Mas and score before you leave the game.

"Did the Uno Mas club play in the mini gym after school today?"

by Shs_unomas October 23, 2019

20๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Lexington, Ma

To most, Lexington, Massachusetts is the historical town that is the home of the Revolutionary War. To those who live there it is the snobby suburban town that their parents moved out to from Boston in attempt to raise their children with the best public education possible in a nice quaint suburb...But in turn, these parents populated a magical place full of booze, hot drunk girls, lushes, weirdo liberal freaks that over populate lexington high school, stoners, ignorant moronic cops, destructive house parties, even more destructive woods parties, BMWs, hair salons, bagel shops, and obnoxious overprivledged children hell bent on pre-college destruction. A truly delightful place to reside.

Lexingon, Massachusetts: overpriveldging and spoiling it's abercrombie wearing teenagers one liberal at a time.

"Lexington Barbie : This trendy homemaker Barbie is available with your choice of Lexus SUV or Ford Windstar minivan. She gets lost easily and has no full time occupation or secondary education. Traffic jamming cell phone sold separately. Optional matching gym outfit."

by lex vegas April 6, 2005

554๐Ÿ‘ 142๐Ÿ‘Ž

ma vaffanculo

Means fuck you in Italian. Used by many Italians to curse one another out.

"Stop being an asshole."

-"Ayy oh ma vaffanculo I'll do what I want!!"

by Mygooch March 26, 2014

25๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž