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race card

A false claim of racism used in attempt to win a debate/argument or escape punishment. This is generally used by people who have no legitimate argument or excuse for their actions.

Originally used mainly by individual African Americans for personal reasons, the race card is now commonly played by liberals of all races in an attempt to silence anybody who disagrees with them or opposes their agenda. This is similar to how conservatives used the concept of "patriotism" to silence their critics after 9/11.

1.) After the jury was shown irrefutable evidence of his guilt, the defendant played the race card and said that he was only charged because he was black.

2.) After the Republican embarrassed the Democrat in the debate, the Democrat played the race card and claimed that the Republican was biased against blacks because he wanted to reduce spending on welfare.

by ronhollis August 29, 2011

164๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž


Made famous by the terrible play and unbelievable luck of Aaron Kanter during the 2005 World Series of Poker, an unlikely river card that gives a player an improbable win to a hand that he should never had been in at any point at all.

After some raising and following a flop of 6c-5d-3h, Raymer bets with Kd-Kh and Kanter calls an uncallable flop with Qh-Jh (5% to win). The turn card is the 7h, Kanter bets $600,000, Raymer moves all in, and Kanter Calls off all his money with his weak draw. Raymer shows his pocket kings, and Kanter shows his queen-high flush draw, needing a heart. Naturally, he catches the first of a long series of Kanter-cards with the river 2h, and makes his flush to cripple Greg Raymer.

by D H June 11, 2007

31๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

carded for life

Description of somebody, usually in their late adolescence, who looks significantly younger than their actual age, and in turn, upon suspicion of being underage, will be checked for ID for (jokingly) the rest of their lives.

Dave: You're telling me that kid is in grade 12? Or did you say that he is 12? It sure looks so.
Michael: Yea, he'll be carded for life.

by Gigzoram June 30, 2011

35๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

race card

When a minority in America (and more recently, Caucasians) try to call foul on a situation that is detrimental to them and say the situation is racially discriminatory. Now, whether it is or not is irrelevant, as such stories are taken as gospel.

Because the black woman didn't win in "The Apprentice", she pulled the race card.

Miguel had the lowest work rating in the company, took 5 personal days in a row and came into work drunk. He was fired, but because he went to the ACLU and pulled the race card, he has his job back.

by R. Kemp August 24, 2004

964๐Ÿ‘ 285๐Ÿ‘Ž

black card

An imaginary card that all black people are born with and that mixed people have to earn that is constantly under threat of being revoked if said black person does not act black enough or in proper black ways. Mostly kind of ridiculous and based on stereotypes, unless you don't appreciate Obama then that's just not appreciating black progress and you should get your black card taken away.

Black person 1: I just don't like Obama
Black person 2: You better take that back before someone takes away your black card.

by jackie8 June 4, 2014

249๐Ÿ‘ 65๐Ÿ‘Ž

M Card

An M Card is short for a Medicinal Marijuana Registry Card. When you have one you are a part of the MMRC, the Medicinal Marijuana Registry Club.

Here's the legalities for the state of Colorado:

Amendment 20 authorizes a patient or a primary caregiver who has been issued a Medical Marijuana Registry identification card to possess no more than two ounces of a usable form of marijuana and not more than six marijuana plants, with three or fewer being mature, flowering plants that are producing a usable form of marijuana.

My snowboarder bro was just issued his M Card. He's a part of the MMRC now and has the best strains in town!

Did you hear, Oliver's Dad just got his M Card, he has cancer, its really sad, but at least he feels good about life because he's a part of the MMRC.

Having an M Card means you are allowed to enjoy all the benefits that marijuana has to offer and partake in the cultivation of your own plants if you so choose.... under the right legal circumstance, of course.

I wonder if Bill Maher has his M Card?

Why do we even need to have an M Card to enjoy a naturally occurring plant? That should be an inherent human right, it is ours just as much as anyone's.

Honey is a progressive, politically active person here to educate people on the M Card, ask her if you have any questions, she's really sweet.

by RandiWordHead June 7, 2009

12๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

baseball cards

What every little boy collects at one point.

Get Jared Weaver baseball cards now, cuz in 50 years they'll be worth a fortune!

by Spikesy July 15, 2006

137๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž