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does a hobby horse have a wooden dick?

a question that begs to be answered, an absolute positive yes.

Does everyone pay Wesley? Does a hobby horse have a wooden dick?

by captain poopypants November 20, 2004

75๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž

does a hobby horse have a wooden dick?

not if its a female hobby horse

Little Jimmy had lots of fun playing with his new hobby horse, but he always wondered what that strange object sticking out of it was

by princess gecko of lizard land November 22, 2004

40๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž

you could drive a wooden person crazy

A midwestern colloquialism meaning that you could even drive a person who had no manner of sensory perception up the wall because you are beyond all natural levels of irritating.

Matthew Lesko could drive a wooden person crazy.

by Chainsaw August 4, 2005

9๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

wooden pc

Having a pc that doesn't work for shit.

*playing R6, and someone has the hourglass loading symbol above their head before loading in.*
"why is this taking so long?"
"he has a wooden pc"

by ibecreating February 12, 2022

Wooden Wonder

1. The outstanding WWII Brit fighter/bomber--DeHaviland Mosquito. AKA "Mossie."

2. My John Thompson when I wake up next to my bride in the morning.

1. "Gotta love the Mossie."

"Yup. The Wooden Wonder!"

2. "Darling, is that the Wooden Wonder or are you just happy to see me?"

"Why not both?"

by NonpedoSargon September 29, 2022

Wooden Plank

The opposite of nimble. Normally this term is used in sports.

Teammate 1: That guy lost the ball as soon as we passed it to him wtf
Teammate 2: Yea don't pass to that wooden plank again

by Radiotrophic Gint May 1, 2024

Wooden the Day

Wooden the Day means having a good morning after a bad night, often a sleepless night due to alcohol consumption but parenting is also a common cause.
Woodening the day is often active, so a person strives to wooden their day by choosing to partake in positive experiences which will require little concentration and mental effort.

"The toddler wouldn't stop crying but we woodened the day with a mimosa brunch."
"Honey, can you get me an Advil? It would totally wooden the day."
"After you clean up we can head back to Barnie's. That should wooden your day."

by ShyAaaaaaaaa November 24, 2021