Source Code

Gacha Club/Gacha

Gacha Club or Gacha is a app made by Lunime. It is a dress-up game where you can make OCs (original characters) and make stop motion videos of the characters.
Some people, called gachatubers, make characters and make videos with the characters.
Some people dress up the characters in skin colors and claim that the characters are naked. Most people in the Gacha community do not support this and are convincing Lunime to block the skin color, this is working! Let us keep this up!

Person: Have you heard of Gacha Club/Gacha?
Human: Yes! Wanna see my OC?

by Stxtch Xnly March 1, 2021

11πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Senior Amateur Club

A club dedicating the art of senior college students reverting back to behaviors that one might have engaged in at age 18-19 or during the freshman year of college. These behaviors earn immediate membership into this celebrated grouping of individuals, and common characteristics of members include, but are not limited to, the following:

1. Throwing up in innapropriate places
2. Awkward sexual activity and/or sexual activity with awkward people
3. Blacking out on a continual basis (i.e. 4+ times per week)
4. Passing out anywhere other than your own bed
5. Drunk dialing/texting

"The last thing I remember was throwing up in my career fair goody bag, then I blacked out and when I woke up this morning the bag was nowhere to be found and I still can't find it. We think I either threw it over the balcony or hid it somewhere in the apartment, and we're hoping it's not the later. That's definitely grounds for Senior Amateur Club membership"

"Girl, you totally joined the Senior Amateur Club last night. You talked a bunch of us into leaving the pregame to go to the social, even though nobody had left or was planning on leaving for a long time. We got as far as Squires parking lot and you told their DD to let us out because you were going to get sick. You then found a bush, sat in it, and refused to move until I finally talked you into moving to a bench. You could barely walk, so our DD came to pick you up, carried you into your apartment, and apparently after they left thats when you decided to go next door and throw up all over his bedroom and living room. When you got back to your apartment, you peed all over your bed and the important thing to note here is that you were still conscious."

"He woke up this morning and had 48 missed calls. Homeboy prob thinks I'm president of the Senior Amateur Club"

"I passed out on my balcony last night and the next day I got my Senior Amateur Club letter of acceptance."

"Guys, I threw up for the first time in college last night. Megan tucked me in and put a trashcan next to my bed thinking if I needed to vom I'd make the trashcan about a foot from my head. Next thing you know there is throwup all over my sheets and comforter. Senior Amateur Club anyone?"

"Dude, you totally joined the Senior Amateur Club last night. You do realize that you stole chips from 7-11, right?"

"None of the guys knew where he was, so I figured I would just call the police station to see if he might be there. I asked the woman if they had picked him up at all and she's like 'Oh yeah, we've got him!' That's when I knew he became a member of the Senior Amateur Club."

"I just woke up in a study lounge at our University Center. Backpack, books, clean clothes...don't know how or why I'm here. I got so shitfaced last night and I guess my inner Senior Amateur Club child said I should sleep in a 24 hour study lounge so I'd be ready for my 9 am."

by Patty Kirkpatrick December 2, 2007

23πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Strip Club Guru

One of those guys that goes strip club hopping all the time. He is familiar with most of the dancers, in most of the clubs that are in his part of the country. He knows the strip clubs like the back of his hand, because the front of his hand is usually occupied.

If you're looking for a dancer that you saw in a strip club four years ago, ask a strip club guru.

by The Cookie Man Can April 1, 2010

15πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Yarichin bitch club

Yarichin means "playboy slut club" in Japanese

Person 1: hey, you know what "yarichin bitch club " means?
Person 2: it means playboy slut club

by Nagito_hope_boi February 13, 2021

32πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

yarichin bitch club

A very short anime that you don’t want anyone to know you watch but you can’t get over the fact of how hot Ayato Yuri is.

P1: Hey do you watch Yarichin Bitch Club?
P2: Uhhhhh No- what is that?

by LeviAckermansWife September 26, 2020

235πŸ‘ 71πŸ‘Ž

Mile Ahead Club

Having sex behind an interstate sign advertisement.

We had sex behind the Cracker Barrel sign next to I-75. Now I'm a member of the Mile Ahead Club.

by Smokin' Bitch Magnet May 11, 2006

44πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

mile long club

Having sex on a train makes you a part of this club.

I f****d my boyfriend between Grand Central and Stamford, so we're in the mile long club.

by olygirl July 18, 2005

202πŸ‘ 63πŸ‘Ž