How someone refers to another person's forcefully admonishing him to donate one or more of his prized possessions to a historical-society collection ("That beLONGS in a muSEUM!"), rather than his selfishly either hoarding it in his own private collection or (even more horrifying) selling it for personal profit.
Antiques collector: I knew that the head of the local heritage-preservation lodge was a bit fanatical about collecting and displaying vintage images and artifacts from the area, but I never expected him to go all Indiana Jones on me when I showed him my collection of old coins and arrowheads that I'd found in the area here over the years.
Tavy Smith ( Bunnie Jones ) is a Christian. She’s super religious and EW!
M: hey have you heard of “tavy smith ( Bunnie Jones )”?
B: ohh that girl right?
Someone you thought was your friend but only used you for fame.
I thought we were friends but turns out he was a David Jones all along.
You look the other way when your friends massacre, rape, behead, etc and speak up when people you dont like fight back against rapists, invaders, mass-murderers, etc
The Guardian columnist suffers from Owen Jones Derangement Syndrome - this explains why he downplayed Hamas 7/10 massacre whilst rallying against Israel defending herself to prevent more massacres
Rhys Honey Jones is an absolute sex beast of a character. Type of erratic bloke that you can’t tell if he’s just done 4 ounces of cold cut Cocaine or just power wanked over his mates cousins.
Usually hench as fuck but no doubt some cunt in the pissend of somewhere is a letdown to the name.
Every time you meet a Rhys Honey-Jones either one of two things with happen. You’ll get your head caved in due to something so petty like him dropping something at his workplace, or you’ll have the most ecstatic time of yer life.
Bloody hell, he’s a mad cunt but he’s no Rhys Honey-Jones son
Adam Lloyd-jones is the hottest dilf around, everyone loves and wants to get with him especially me.
Olivia: “Your dads so hot”
Rylee: “Kys”
Olivia: “I love Adam Lloyd-jones “
Total inebriation having a good time with good people. It is typically seen as a snapchat story caption.
Did you wisp jone last night at the party?