A white woman who uses her white privilege for evil against races that aren’t white.
“That white lady is such a Karen she acted as if I was hurting her while she was on the phone with the police but I was no where near her”
A kind mother who was very loved. She enjoyed picking flowers, sewing, looking at seashells as she walked along to beach and singing. Her favourite food was apricots. She had many friends and was nice to everyone. She always laughs at your jokes.
That woman was really friendly. She must have been Karen.
The name Karen is described as the blond Woman that is selfish is very extremely loud. Some only get to know an actual caring who much fathers puts herself last before happiness and is caring and smart. Nothing like those typical other Karen’s
“Omg Karen, you’re not like those other Karen’s I have met”
Karen is a commonly known and used word among young people in english speaking countries(primarily the USA & Canada. The name Karen evokes thoughts of repeated entitlement among middle to upper aged women (although occasionally including people as young as early to mid 20s). Karen, as a term, a name and a lifestyle is known and used enough to warrant entire communities to spring up calling out one time freak outs and repeat offenses by these unwarrantedly rude and obnoxious members of society, the most well known of which being r/EntitledKarens on Reddit. Karens will also often play the victim card when called out, either claiming the person they were harassing was doing something to them or desperately seeking the approval of other Karens on facebook for their actions, hoping that the sheer amount of entitled screaming in response to said calling out will get the innocent fast food worker to either get fired or become obedient to what they want. This my friends, is the classic Karen.
This lady keeps stealing my skate board at a public park to give to her own kid because "hE dEsErVeS iT mOrE"... what a Karen...
the snob in everyone's life and the person who buys all the toilet rolls in the store before anyone else
The worlds best parent and all around kind, wonderful person.
A person who is Generous, helpful and caring with everyone around them, and incredibly understanding and compassionate.
Bad ass lawyer and mom, kicking ass and taking names 24/7. One of the most hilarious, intelligent, and all around amazing people you’ll ever meet, according to everyone that knows her.
Honestly where would we even be without her.
Stop making Karen memes you’re making my mom sad.
A usually irritated, likes to call the manager, negative, has a lot of kids, drama queen woman of the caucasian race.
Karen: “You forgot my ketchup packs, call the manager RIGHT NOW!”
Cashier to Manager: “Hey, there’s a Karen out there who wants to talk to you.”
Manager: *sigh* “It’s always a Karen...”