A greedy money-lender who requires sexual favors if you are unable to pay his outrageous interest-fees.
It's not a good idea to borrow money from private people --- a lot of them are a bunch of loin-sharks.
when passers-by catch sight of a woman and a baby pram, their first reaction is to check the pram's contents to see for themselves how cute the baby is. Upon noticing that the baby is brown/mixed and the woman white (thus betraying their expectation that the baby/mother duo were alike), the observer's eyes are helplessly drawn towards the baby once more to readjust their perception that the white woman is a mudshark. This second look constitutes the shark check, confirming that the white woman has sharked it up.
Something felt off with that woman's toddler. I shark checked it and take it that its father is a citizen of a vibrant stock.
a whale shark maneuver is when a girl opens up her vagina as wide as possible and then a guy shits right inside the girl's vagina
Dude, me and Felicia were so drunk last night we tried the whale shark maneuver.
A man who seeks out woman on their period so if intercorse occurs he will not get her pregnant
That dude is a total blood shark
One of the best 60 fps players in Asia critical ops.Also he's sexy af
Shark ios is the best 60 fps in asia
A disgusting group of degenerates. They try to start gang wars with spider-man whale gang, but fail every time.
Shark Gang reminds me of my wife, only three people care about them and they get bullied for it.
Stroking a female against the hair grain to test if she's gotten a close shave. Apparently sharks are slippery one way and rough the opposite.
Ah, you're from France. Mind if I do a little "shark pet" before this evening's shenanigans?