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what a sad

when someting is so sad it makes you cry a 10000 times

someone dies

billy:what a sad

by what a sad guy June 2, 2019

what a sad

when something sad happens but your are to lazy to say this is so sad

a roblox sad video

noob dies

kyle:what a sad

by what a sad guy May 9, 2019

what a sad

when something is so sad you just need to say it

like when thanos dies in endgame

*thanos dies*

peter: what a sad

by what a sad guy May 6, 2019

sad sausage

Someone who feels entitled to get what they want at the expense of others and then gets sad when there is resistance or their manipulations backfire in their face and they are faced with the consequences of their actions.

After being found out for having an affair the sad sausage tried to get their partner to believe they wouldn't do it again.

by ClassicRow_idk November 11, 2024

sad sausage

an abandoned poo - a fecal figure left all alone

There is a sad sausage on my lawn from your dog last week.

by Whistlin' Willy November 20, 2020

Sad sausage

a flaccid male penis - to hang about loosely

Man I can't get any ladies with this sad sausage in my pants.

by Whistlin' Willy November 19, 2020

That’s sad

Fucked up, or perceiving a situation as “messed up

Imagine talking all that bs just to contradict yourself “that’s sad

That’s sad “ if you think I care

by Johnny told you so June 17, 2023