Source Code

coding whore

Someone who does not see programming as an art, but often creates a dependency hell and writes overly complex spaghetti code for profit and intellectual masturbation.

Many if not most programmers working for Big Tech are coding whores.

by November 9, 2022

Code Red River

A guy code that is used to secretly let other men in the general area know that a girl is on her period.

Guy 1: Emergency code red river commenced.
Guy 2: looks like we're going camping this weekend.

by ArcticReef August 3, 2015

Code B Section 55

The act of sacrificing babies in the name of Satan to follow ordnances and standards.

Customer: Is you kitchen clean?

Employee: Yes ma'am, we follow Code B Section 55 in the kitchen.

by RickDodger January 15, 2024


Operating with maximum discretion, maintaining secrecy, and avoiding any noticeable behavior. Acting quietly and subtly, akin to "Operation Zero" or a whisper.

"She handled the situation on a coded level, making sure not to make any noise or attract attention."

by aremuavo May 21, 2024

Breault Code

/brō kōd/

Not to be confused with bro code, the breault code, until now, has been the unwritten set of discourtesies performed by that one guy in your group who cannot be trusted with your girlfriend:

1. Never be loyal to your friends unless it benefits you; YOU are your #1 breault
2. Hoes before bros. Never forget this
3. The best poon is plundered poon
4. If your buddy has a girlfriend you are interested in or have jerked off to a photo of, start casually hitting on her immediately to plant the seed that you want to plant your seed
5. Always keep things cool with your buddy, while making sure to slowly turn up the heat with his girl
6. Whenever you are out with your buddy and his girl, always flex on him by buying as many rounds as possible for him and his girl
7. You don’t fuck with your buddy’s girl, unless he is out of town for at least 24 hours or is asleep, at which time your buddy has waived all rights to his girl and she is considered a forfeiture. If this opportunity presents itself, jettison the friendship with your buddy and make your move; she’s yours now
8. Once you've taken your buddy's girl to Pound Town, don't tell your buddy but feel free to tell his friends. He won't find out
9. If you see your buddy out and he asks any questions, deny everything and ghost
10. Win. High-five, breault

"Watch your girlfriend, man. That dude she is talking to is all about the Breault Code"

by Cloclia October 11, 2018

The Playa Code

see playa phi playa.

"I go by The Playa Code, baby".

by Used by permission of PlayaPhiPlaya May 22, 2007

informative coding and decoding

1 way is to transfer 0s and 1s for example 01000001 is A and also is 65 another way is to transfer html programing into main language for example lets change booleans between the concepts of computing and decoding last example is coding for the decode for example lets program this out of the board so then we know what decoding is.

this informative quinet is like our informative coding and decoding!

by con"eriba February 27, 2022