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one-way text

One-Way Text (n.)
1. A text message not requiring a reply.
2. A frustrating thing to find when your phone goes off and you open it, just to see one word.
3. An annoying thing to find when your phone goes off and you open it, just to see one word--and you don't have unlimited text messaging.
4. Something that makes you want to strangle someone.
5. An indication that the sender is either tired, pissed at you, hates texting, or is just a stupid dumbass.
6. Something you do when people piss you off and you don't want to talk to them.

"You going to the movie tonight?"

"So I totally bought an iPod today"

"John keeps replying to my messages in one-way texts. Will you please find out if he's mad at me?"

by HaleysHeresat October 27, 2008

33πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Teen "Text" Typing

(n): The utter display of ignorance and laziness protrayed by todays youth due to the onslaught of technology. Usually seen in any form of screen text communication between teens (as well as some adults trying to look cool) and the rest of the free world. Denoted by its lack of vowel use completely, substituted by numbers, and use of repeating last letters. Many times characters such as "&" and "@" will be used as well. Not directed at commonly used shorthands like LOL and FTW. See examples!

Teen "Text" Typing is Awesome!!
"Heyyyyy!!! Wuz up wit u 2 nite! Tex m3!"
"Omgggg.....Blaineeeee iz so hottttt!!! He iz only 4teen!"
"R u cumin ovr 2nite! KK! C u l8r!!"
Typing in Myspace: "So WhUt R U DoIn 2nItE? We NeEd 2 HuK uP!"

by Southern Articulator December 23, 2009

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Text Message Checkpoint

A text message that you got earlier, in which you can use for later reference to check how long you have been waiting on something/someone

Rick: How long have we been waiting here for that hoe?

James: I unno, but we got here the same time I got a text message, let me ind that Text message checkpoint.

by IamSoWhite June 20, 2011

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text message chicken

Text message chicken is the game of text messaging back and forth between you and another person where the weakest person gives up and just calls the other person.

Emily: Hello?
Lee: Hi, I didn't feel like text messaging anymore and so I am calling you instead.
Emily: You just lost a game of text message chicken, loser.

by lskatz July 11, 2008

20πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Text Message Breakup

1. To send a text message breaking up with someone. Generally not a good idea, as you have no idea if they're out of service of if their phone is broken.

2. To rip out a girls heart.

1. Text : "Hey im breaking up wit u"

2. OMG, Sean just sent me a text message breakup!

by Bexxi_Breakdown June 10, 2009

55πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

urinary text infection

when you're texting and peeing at the same time and you accidentally pee on your phone (males only).

ex.: What happened to your phone dude?
My phone got a urinary text infection last night at the bar. I pissed all over my shoes, too!
That's gross. Go replace your phone and burn your shoes.

What happened to your phone dude?
My phone got a urinary text infection last night at the bar. I pissed all over my shoes, too!
That's gross. Go replace your phone and burn your shoes.

by oldsport December 17, 2014

Urban texting typo

When you take a typo from a text, and enter it into urban dictionary to make fun of something someone said or for discovering stuff. Use caution. Example, i have used: sordy

β€œDude, Candice from Phineas and Ferb texted me saying she was sordy, and i used it as a Urban Texting Typo”

by Carter worth a quarter August 11, 2020