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Sex is when the penis aka dick goes in the vagina and makes babyโ€™s

Hey wanna have sex

by The aka god July 8, 2019

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When a girl shoves her penis in a man's vagina

I had sex with venessa last night and she has such a big penis

by People's suck December 18, 2018

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you horny bitch, why... just why did you look up sex? why? i bet you're turned on right now. just... get off urban dictionary right now. please don't ejaculate to this. there's probably cum already on your screen... look, just leave.

Guy 1: hey look, that horny fuck just looked up sex on urban dictionary. just why
Guy 2: n-n0 i DiDnT

by Soupdog17 March 31, 2020

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where you put your dick in the vagina and move foward and back fast.

me and bae: ahhh ahhhh yeah just like that!!

neighbors: hey are you guys having sex in there

us:oh shit sorry yeah :)

neighbors: or did u just no scope someone and take that dub home in fortnite??

by weine vnfjensuea February 24, 2019

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How immature are you to search up sex on Urban Dictionary? You vile, disgusting creature. What's wrong with you? I'm genuinely curious.

Don't do sex

by sadness is all around you February 15, 2018

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What you watch wen you now your single and will always be single

You watch sex just to make yourself fall horny because no one will ever make you tell horny because you will always be single

by Bhhyybybtbrvrv October 19, 2019

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Be honest, you just looked up sex because you wanted to get horny from the definitions didnโ€™t you?

Man 1: bro i just looked u sex on urban dictionary. Way better than porn
Man 2: bro no way

by L.A.B Loaibries October 13, 2019

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