Source Code

hop on breaking point

3 guys go to a roblox game and shove 50. caliber pistols up their ass until a pistol goes off.

Guy1: Wanna hop on breaking point later
Guy2: Sure! But let me ask my mom.

by californian crackhead June 2, 2021

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Prison Prison Break


Breaking out of Prison Prison (guarded by prisoners) into regular Prison so one can resume breaking out of Prison into the free world.

This isn't a story about a Prison Break, or a story about a Prison Prison Prison Break. This is a story about one man (and that man's brother) as they try to break out of Prison Prison back into regular Prison.

P.S. Apples.
Ask your local grocer about apples.

by unluckymoney September 1, 2008

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break off some

To exercise ones option to do something, most commonly something violent to an assclown who is really ruining your mood.

Okay assclown, now ima break off some whoop ass on you!

by droogie April 25, 2004

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break off some

Referring to something another person takes out, Something a deadbeat does since they don't have any of there own.

Pertaining to Marijuana if someone doesn't have a stash of there own.

Yo son, break me off some of that ill stuff.

Yo son, break me off some of that gum you got there.

by Abdel April 22, 2004

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Clean Break Away

After taking a shit, and not finding the need for toilet paper.

mate, that last one was a clean break away

by Thaddaeus William Esmond Kynaston-Pearson April 30, 2008

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break yo neck

to listen in on someone else's convorsation

yo sally did u see that movie last week?
no john
i saw it john it was awesome
yo bobby why you gotta break yo neck so much man

by MC_football May 12, 2007

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Breast Break Sex

Breast Break Sex is when a sexual partner intentionally looks to break the breasts implants of their partner. The implants never even come close to being broken, but it gives some guys a weird type of motivation to be at their best in bed. Some woman are into this type of rough sex and foreplay.

I don't know man. This girl was so hot I just wanted to have Breast Break Sex with her! I kept smashing her fake boobs together, and that made her even hornier! It was crazy!

by the2ndflood August 4, 2008

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