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the feeling you get when you are feeling cool around all your friends

Jake: damn man your funny
JOhn: Yeah im feelin Pimp-ass

by zeke brackston August 28, 2008

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pimp rack

a horizontal storage space for a pimp at rest, aka the bed.

As soon as my head hit the pillow in the pimp rack, i was out.

by Tricky77 September 9, 2012

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Shrimp pimp

A true pimp to the game pimpin' shrimp all on the coast! Real shrimp pimps names start with an "N" .



by Swampgirl January 22, 2021

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Pimp on the Playground

A grade-schooler (preferably ages 5-10) that dresses nicely and gets all the girls.

Little Tim will be the pimp on the playground when he wears these clothes.

by Hanate Wakuso Shiseo Tadashite January 16, 2018

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extreamly flamibal gas that is released from a pimps head. with a smell and desaty that resembles propayn

pro-pimp is a remewable sorce of energy

i use 100% pro-pimp on my barbaqu

by jazzyjazz5252 July 23, 2009

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Holiday Pimp

A drunk teenager, with two girls on each arm, telling you how great you look and trying to get you to be one of his hoes.

Claire: Holiday pimp, three o'clock

-points to him as he grins and leers at you-

by xValiantx March 9, 2010

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Dick pimp

When you just have to beat that shit like it owes you money

We be dick pimpin and and spendin g's

by Nignana2000 January 15, 2017

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