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inferior to chimp that can talk

that man is so inferior the the chimp that can talk

by chimp that can talk December 18, 2024


Someone who is Trash or garbage

Sasha: Jake cheated on me with my sister

Trisha:you know he's such a Man

by Fuckmales December 30, 2021



to be not hot is mans

by person1967 January 29, 2018


A man is the male of the human species. He treats his woman right. No cheating or lying or putting her down. A real man lives to please his woman, not every woman.

Little boys be out here cheating, disrespecting their women , and lying but a real man don't need to fake it to make it.

by JUGGERNAUTICA April 16, 2024


A guy you’re talking to romantically; you’re crush; the guy you like; or could be your boyfriend or soon-to-be boyfriend.

Example 1:
Girl: *smiles at phone*
Her friend: “ooooh. Are you talking to your mans again??” Heheh
Example 2: what is your mans up to tonight? You should invite him to the game!

by geeyuhh April 3, 2019


a human that not girl xD

I am a real man.

by Nick and a butt cheek November 30, 2020


A way to say some big facts about a dude that you know.

Some guy:My mans fresh!
Other guy: whoa, damn he is tho.

by Bęèņ pőįšøň March 15, 2019