When you use British word "taint", describing something innocent in the states.
In a team meeting, James replied with not wanting "taint" on his music profile only to be called out by his American colleagues, he is just "pulling a James."
Some mother fucking bitch ass who is only good at bouncing the ball
The Basketball is not for LeBron James, it's only for Steph Curry who knows how to shoot
French Slang to say jerk off. It started as « lebran » in verlan wich means the same.
I had a rough day today, when I get home I’m going to Lebron James to a BBL video and I’ll feel better
James Flint kicked England's ass for his lover, Thomas Hamilton.
A fat fuck
Looks alot like Johnny Vegas. Also has some real honkers, huge hongongolagongas some humongous donkoloohoobonkas
Youre a James Darnell, you fat fuck!
The cutest boy. He is so kind, smart, and funny ❤
James Deshazer loves me !
Peaceful Protest
Oliver, meaning Olive Tree which relates to peace, and James, meaning Supplanter which related to overthrowing (usually governments), combine to mean peaceful protest.
I'm going to an Oliver James about that new piece of legislation